Start News TRADE WIND sagen Europatour ab

TRADE WIND sagen Europatour ab


Schlechte Nachrichten aus dem Hause Trade Wind. Die neugegründete Hardcore-Punk Band um Stick To Your Guns Frontmann Jesse Barnett muss ihre geplante Europatour absagen. Ein Statement von Jesse zur Tourabsage findet ihr am Ende des Beitrags.

Die Tour wird dennoch wie geplant mit Sights & Sounds und Acres stattfinden und beginnt heute am 04. Oktober in Berlin. Alle bereits erworbenen Tickets behalten weiterhin ihre Gültigkeit.

Hier die Dates für die Tour von Sights & Sounds und Acres und das Statement zur Absage von Trade Wind:

04.10. DE –  Berlin – Cassiopeia
05.10. DE –  Hamburg – Hafenklang
06.10. DE –  Köln – MTC
07.10. NL –  Eindhoven – Dynamo
08.10. CZ –  Prague  – Lucerna Music Bar
09.10. DE – München – Feierwerk
10.10. CH – Aarau – Kiff
11.10. DE – Karlsruhe – Alte Hackerei
12.10. BE – Antwerp – Kavka
13.10. UK – London – Barfly

„I am absolutely heartbroken to have to announce that we will be pulling out of our trade wind tour with sights and sounds. I have a personal injury to my back that I need to let heal and I also have a personal matter at home that I must attend to. I hope that people know that if I could have made this work then I absolutely would but unfortunately I can not. I’m sorry to anyone who this disappoints. I’m sorry to sights and sounds, avocado and to everyone who was planning on seeing us in Europe. Sights and sounds will still be playing and you should absolutely keep your plans and go to the shows. They are an incredible band and you won’t be disappointed. Thank you all for your understanding.“ – Jesse Barnett / Trade Wind

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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