Start Specials 10 Records Worth To Die For 10 Records Worth To Die For: #106 mit Guilt Trip

10 Records Worth To Die For: #106 mit Guilt Trip

Guilt Trip loves King Nine

Guilt Trip zählen zu den aufstrebendsten Hardcore-Acts, die sich in Europa momentan so rum tummeln. Im August veröffentlichten die Briten ihr heißersehntes Debütalbum River Of Lies über BDHW Records. Im November kommt die Band dann außerdem zu uns auf Stäbruch und wir neben Bands wie Agnostic Front, Desolated und Easy Money die Erthalhalle zerlegen. Wir nahmen das neue Album und die bevorstehende Show auf dem Stäbruch zum Anlass die Jungs ihre zehn Lieblingsalben vorstellen zu lassen.

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Guilt Trip (Picsby Kirsty Cullinane)

1Jay: Fire & Ice – Not Of This Earth

I love this record because it’s the first hardcore record front to back multiple times. I love the catchy vocals and I think they have the best riffs ever.

2Jay: Forced Order – Eternal War

Forced order have been one of my favourite hardcore bands for a couple of years off the back of this record because it’s catchy as the same time as heavy, which are the two main things I look for when I start listening to a new band.

3Jak: malevolence – Reign of Suffering

This was the first album I was actually waiting to come out. It pushed me to want to be better at guitar.

4Jak: Brutality Will Prevail – Root Of All Evil

I loved the slower sludge riffs contrasting with the unique vocals. The band had a reputation at the time for crazy live shows, which came through on the record.

5Brad: Trapped Under Ice – Big Kiss Goodnight

This album absolutely bangs front to back. There’s no fillers it’s full of energy whilst not neglecting the heavy side of hardcore as well, the vocals get you hooked and every song just makes you wanna move.

6Brad: Your Demise – The Golden Age

This album experimented with what you could do on a hardcore album. They got in two singers from more mainstream genres and didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about it. I could listen to this album on repeat for months and not get sick of it.

7Nick: Lamb Of God – New American Gospel

This was one of the first heavy albums that stuck with me and furthered my interest in heavy music.

8Nick: Turnstile – Step 2 Rhythm

This albums so unique, it put turnstile where they deserved to be. Starts off with possibly the best intro track on a record ever and continues with that consistency all the way through.

9Tom: King Nine – Scared to Death

One of the best NYHC releases on the decade. I believe it will be relevant for a millennium.

10Tom: Shattered Realm – Broken Ties, Spoken Lies

Goes without saying, one of the hardest albums of all time.

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Guilt Trip mit neuem Album auf dem Stäbruch

Das Stäbruch Fest 2019 findet am 09. November statt. Dort werden neben Guilt Trip Agnostic Front, Desolated und neun weitere Bands auftreten. Alle Informationen dazu findet ihr im Facebook-Event.

Guilt Trips River Of Lies wird am 30. August 2019 über BDHW Records erscheinen.

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