Start Hardcore REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER veröffentlichen neue Single „KKK Tattoo“

REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER veröffentlichen neue Single „KKK Tattoo“

Regional Justice Center

Regional Justice Center präsentieren uns einen neuen Song namens KKK Tattoo, der von Taylor Young (Nails, Twitching Tongues, etc.) produziert wurde und als 7″-Vinyl über Closed Casket Activities erhältlich ist. Alle Erlöse der Single gehen an Black Lives Matter.

Regional Justice Center Mastermind Ian Shelton zum Song:

„When I was 12 years old I met my biological father for the first time. I was quick to realize he had a tattoo of a Klansman on his inner bicep. It was cartoony; a stubby little man in ill-fitting robes stumbling with nooses, scythes, and other tools of death. Over the years he was in my life, the closest thing I ever got to an answer about it was that he got it ‚to scare Mexicans‘. I haven’t spoken with him in almost 10 years but I’ve constantly gotten stuck on how easily I could have turned out the same as him. For those of us who are white, dismantling white supremacy isn’t only an external glance; you have to acknowledge first and foremost [that] it could be you.“

Die Powerviolence/Hardcore-Band von der Westküste legte erst kürzlich zwei neue Songs unter dem Name Regional Jurtice Center vor, bei denen Trapped Under Ice-Sänger Justice Tripp als Sänger fungierte. Über Closed Casked Activies soll noch in diesem Jahr ein neuer Output der Band erscheinen.

Regional Justice Center - KKK Tattoo
Regional Justice Center – KKK Tattoo
- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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