Die Persistence Tour liegt nun schon wieder einige Wochen zurück. Mit Countime, Cutthroat, Wisdom in Chains, BillyBio, H2O, Street Dogs, Agnostic Front und Gorilla Biscuits stand ein mega Line-up auf dem Programm!
Mein persönliches Fazit über die Show in Oberhausen: Einen besseren Einstieg ins Jahr 2020 hätte es nicht geben können. Die Stimmung war unglaublich, die Bands haben eine großartige Show abgeliefert und nebenbei ordentlich selbst gefeiert. Dieser Abend wird für mich unvergesslich bleiben.
Viel spannender ist es jedoch zu erfahren, wie die Bands selbst die Tour erlebt haben. Seid auf ihren persönlichen Rückblick gespannt…Ben von Cutthroat berichtet von seinen Eindrücken der Tour und der neuen EP Reflekt.
Ben von CUTTHROAT im Interview

AFL: Hey Ben, by now the Persistence Tour is history for a couple of weeks already, so thank you for your time to answer my questions and give us a little personal retrospective on the tour.
I was at the Oberhausen show and my impression from the stage side was that all the bands really got along super well and you all had your own party on stage every night. How would you describe the tour?
Ben: The Tour has been very unbelievable. I have never been on the road with a better group of people. 30+ very different larger than life personalities with very different views and perspectives and yet every night it was a party.
AFL: Was there one show that really stood out to you from this run? Any special highlight or a funny anecdote you can tell us about?
Ben: For me it’s always about crowd participation and interaction. Oberhausen und Berlin stood out for me the crowds are always full of life and ready to get the mosh started.
AFL: Can you give us a little inside on how a typical day on the Persistence Tour looked like for you?
Ben: wake up, load in, eat/shower/prepair for show, sound check, play, shower/eat, Load out, party/sleep

AFL: Twelve days together on tour in very limited and confined space on the bus…where there any moments where you didn’t like being on tour or was there any fighting?
Ben: No we were blessed to be on tour with some of the most amazing people I´ve ever had the pleasure of seeing Europe with. Some of us are old friends like Countime/Billy Bio camp and the dudes from Agnostic Front, H2O, Street Dogs and Gorilla Biscuits were all super friendly and welcoming that is was just good vibes the whole time.
2019 versus 2020
AFL: You guys were lucky enough to have played the Persistence Tour not only this year but the last year as well. Are there any differences this year compared to last year? Do you feel that the audience knew you and your songs better than last year?
Ben: I didn’t play play the last Persistence Tour but I was already with the band when we came out on tour with Evergreen Terrace a few months back and I have noticed more Cutthroat T-Shirts when I look into the audience.

„We play every show with 150% ENERGY….“ BEN
AFL: Would you say that the Persistence Tour helped you to gain a bigger audience in Europe?
Ben: I think a lot of people are getting turned on by what we are bringing sonicly to every show. We play every show with 150% energy knowing we have a lot to prove sharing the stage with such talented and tried and true bands.
AFL: I love your new EP Reflekt so much! The moved into the 16th spot at Coretex Records Weekly Top 20, that’s awesome! Which is your favorite song from the EP and what’s the reason?

Ben: I like Trouble a lot, mostly because of the vibe of the song and the lyrics are truly different with Neil´s Hip Hop Freestyle Influences coming through melding seemlessy with what we are doing sonicly. It’s pretty fun. Catchy chorus too.
AFL: Sadly, not many bands in our genre can live from their music alone. What about you? What do you do when you’re not on tour? If you have a „day job“ how do you balance your jobs duties and PTO and being on tour?
Ben: I run a couple of ecommerce websites and internet marketing businesses. Luckily in this day and age we can work from pretty much anywhere so I just bring my laptop and a hotspot wherever I go.
AFL: Alright, brain storm time! What are the first thought to come to your mind when you hear to following:
- Favorite Band(s) – American Nightmare, AFI, Hatebreed, E Town Concrete
- Germany – 2nd home
- Hardcore/Punk – Individuality/Freedom Of Expression/Unity
- Vinnie Stigma – The King
AFL: Are you coming back to Germany for some shows this year?
Ben: We sure hope so!
AFL: Is there something else you want our readers to know or to get off your chest? Then, now would be the perfect time for it!
Ben: Punk Mentality is about doing things your own way, even in a scene of like minded people, always be true to yourself. Like what you like. Write what you wanna write, play what you wanna play.
AFL: Again, thank you very much for doing this. I really appreciate your time and effort! Thanks a lot. Good luck to you and I hope to see you again soon!
Weitere Interviews findet ihr hier:
- Persistence Tour 2020, Der Rückblick 1/8: WISDOM IN CHAINS im Interview
- Persistence Tour, Der Rückblick 2/8: COUNTIME im Interview