Bei 5 Sho(r)ts gibt es eine Box. In dieser Box befinden sich Karten in drei Kategorien, Serious, Music und Fun. Der/die Interviewpartner*in/en ziehen aus jeder Kategorie eine Karte und danach noch zwei zur freien Auswahl. Niemand weiß, welche Fragen sich dahinter verbergen. Der Fragenpool wächst auch immer wieder an. Somit werden den Interviewten nicht die selben abgedroschenen Fragen gestellt und es ist immer ein etwas anderes Interview.

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#18 – Urethane

Urethane sind eine Melodic-Punk-Band aus San Diego, die sich erst im Winter 2021, Mitten in der Pandemie, formiert hat. Prominentestes Mitglied ist wohl Pro-Skater Steve Caballero, der sich eh schon unsere fünf Kärtchen gezogen hatte. Gut gelaunt kam er aber mit seiner Band nochmal zum Interview und erklärte seinen Kollegen höchstselbst, wie das Ganze hier funktioniert. Somit hier die Fragen, die sich Urethane selbst auferlegt hatten.

1Kategorie „SERIOUS“: In my opinion every Band should have a clear political standing. Would you tell me yours?

Tim: My personal political standing? I attend to be left leaning. Actually very left leaning. I believe in quality for everybody. Well, that´s hard… not that easy question to answer first.

2Kategorie „MUSIC“: Do you have a favorite venue to play at?

Chad: I like them all. I like the small to medium sized venues. But I have to say as far as a club goes. The Whisky a go go in Hollywood. The sound is great and the history. It´s the last club in the Rock´n´Roll Hall of Fame that is still open. And of course SBÄM Fest. it´s great.

Dylan: I agree with Chad. Small shows are great. They´re fun. You get the energy of people being right in your face and then you get to come to places like this. You meet along with a lot of friends and play in front of thousands. I´d say for me House of Blues in San Diego is one of the bigger venues that I like and maybe Sodar Bar is a great venue to play.

3Kategorie „FUN“: I you were left on a lonely island, what food, what drink and what music would you need to stay alive and well?

Dylan: Coffee for the drink, I love coffee. The food… Cherry flavored pies, of course… no a nice bread i guess, with cheese. And the album, that´s a tough thing. But I think Third Eye Blinds´s first album.

Chad: It would definitely be coffee. The food will probably be something with humus in it. And the album would be By the light of the moon by Los Lobos.

Tim: It would definently be coffee aswell and pineapple. And it would be Purple Rain by Prince.

4Kategorie „MUSIC“: Promote your new album in three sentences.

Tim: Our new album is called Chasing Horizons. It is something that I am very proud of. You will love it.

Chad: Every song on this album is honest. It is not fabricated.  It´s an honest story.

Dylan: It´s been a rocket ship ride. The album, like Tim said is Chasing Horizons. We put it out on Cyber Tracks Records.

5Kategorie „FUN“: The best female singer in the world is and what is her best song?

Dylan: My personal favorite is The Taylor Swift…hahaha…it´s a group(everyone laughing). This is why we can´t have nice things is the Song.

Chad: Pink – Dear diary.

Tim: Phoebe Bridgers – Steamroller


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