Am 23. Januar feiert die Dokumentation „Los Punk: We Are All We Have“ über die Punk-Rock Szene in Los Angeles ihre Premiere in Park City, Utah (USA). Den Trailer zur Doku könnt ihr euch hier anschauen.
Punk rock is thriving in the backyards of South Central and East Los Angeles. A cobbled-together family of Hispanic teens and young adults comprise the scene: bands, fans, production, marketing, and security interwoven into a sub-culture of thrash and noise and pits. The sense of belonging is palpable; emotional bonds fostered among good families and those broken, poverty and wealth, adolescence and maturity, with the music emanating a magnetic chorus for all to sing together. ‚Los Punks: We Are All We Have” is a documentary feature film honestly and sincerely portraying this vibrant ‚DIY‘ community.