Passend zu gerade beendeten Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA haben Stray From The Path ein neues Video zu ihrem Song The House Always Wins veröffentlicht.

Der Song wird auf einem neuen Album enthalten sein, dass im Februar 2017 via  Sumerian Records erscheinen wird. Stray From The Path veröffentlichte 2015 ihr bisher letztes Album Subliminal Criminals.

Ende November kommt die Band erneut auf Europatour. Bei dieser sind außerdem The Amity Affliction, Northlane und Wage War im Line-Up. Hier die Tourdates und das Video:



29.11.16 Germany Leipzig @ Täubchenthal
30.11.16 Germany Hamburg @ Gruenspan
01.12.16 Germany Köln @ Live Music Hall
02.12.16 Belgium Antwerp @ Trix
03.12.16 France Paris @ Flèche d’or
04.12.16 UK Bristol @ O2 Academy
05.12.16 UK Manchester @ O2 Ritz
06.12.16 UK London @ Roundhouse
08.12.16 UK Glasgow @ O2 ABC
09.12.16 UK Birmingham @ O2 Institute
10.12.16 UK Norwich @ Waterfront
11.12.16 Holland Amsterdam @ Melkweg
13.12.16 Sweden Stockholm @ Fryshuset / Klubben
14.12.16 Denmark Copenhagen @ Pumpehuset
15.12.16 Germany Berlin @ Astra
16.12.16 Germany München @ Backstage
17.12.16 Austria Vienna @ Arena
18.12.16 Germany Karlsruhe @ Knockdown Fest
19.12.16 Switzerland Solothurn @ Kofmehl
20.12.16 France Lyon @ CCO
21.12.16 Spain Barcelona @ Razzmatazz 2
22.12.16 Spain Madrid @ Sala Arena


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Hier das ausführliche Statement von der Band zu den Song und zu den Wahlen in ihrer Heimat:

“It almost seems that this election was begging for us to take a swing at it. We watched Trump bid for the Republican candidacy against people like Cruz and Christie….we watched Hillary actually steal the Democratic candidacy from a guy who was drawing millions of people around the country, and funding his campaign off of millions of donations averaging at $27, from real people…while Hillary was drawing crowds of less people than Stray From The Path can draw at a random show in Tennessee?”

“It was wrong. These two candidates are wrong. A two party program is wrong. We have a circus going on while Native Americans at the Dakota Access Pipeline are victims of terrorism at the hands of the oil companies that purchase this election. Not a word about it from anybody. No help.”

“This band has always been an outlet for our frustrations with this planet, and we couldn’t wait for our next full length to get this one out. There are people who feel the same way as us, and I hope this song can open some minds up about the people they look to as leaders…ask themselves…do they actually give a shit about my life? Or would they sell me out in a second to further their agenda. The answers are not always pretty, and sometimes hard to accept…but in the end of the day, The House Always Wins.”

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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