Nachdem es in den vergangenen Jahren, ausgenommen von wenigen Shows, ruhig um Trail Of Lies geworden ist, hat die Band aus Syracuse, NY nun ein neues Album angekündigt.

Erscheinen wird dieses am 19. Juli 2024 unter den Titel Only The Strong über Triple B Records.

Mit dem Titelsong haben Trail Of Lies direkt zur Ankündigung des Nachfolgers des Debütalbums W.A.R. (2018) auch direkt eine erste Single veröffentlicht, die ihr euch hier anhören könnt:


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Den Song findet ihr auch in unserer neuen Spotify-Playlist zu unseren Rubrik Happy Release Daydie ihr hier folgen könnt.

Die Band legte 2019 mit der Single Fearless ihr bislang letztes Release vor.

Sänger Tom Damiano zum neuen Album:

“Only the Strong is an album that is meant to be an exploration of what it means to be strong. In both our world and music, we are constantly bombarded with images and expectations of success that are pre-defined and pre-determined by institutions that don’t give a fuck about you or your well-being. Each member of the band, in their own unique way, have spent the last 5 years cultivating our respective ‘strongest’ selves, and I think that shines through on this record – it’s still us, just stronger. Being strong is so much more than the physical manifestation of someone’s body – real strength is a mindset that allows a person to constantly adapt and evolve into newer and better versions of yourself. Each song on the record is a testament to different forms of strength. Some songs are about how being strong means not giving up despite everyone trying to tell you you can’t do something – while others are about how strength is an investment in rejecting institutions and people who profit off of the destruction of our earth and humanity. In any context, the record is ultimately about improvement, and that as a band, but more importantly human beings, we want to associate with people who feel and act the same.”

Trail Of Lies – Only The Strong (2024)

Trail Of Lies - Only The Strong (2024)
Trail Of Lies – Only The Strong (2024)


  1. 315
  2. Stand Hard
  3. Only The Strong
  4. Trail Of Lies
  5. Unbroken (feat. Sebastian Paba)
  6. Stand For Change (feat. Pat Flynn)
  7. My Way (feat. Scott Vogel + Danny Diablo)
  8. No Remorse
  9. Revenge (feat. Aldo Felix)
  10. Strength (Interlude)
  11. Strength Through Discipline
- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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