Die Powerviolence Band Weekend Nachos aus Illinois (USA) gab auf ihrer Facebook-Seite bekannt, dass sie sich auflösen werden. Bevor es in den Ruhestand geht wird die Band aber noch einige Shows in Europa, Asien und den USA spielen. Außerdem wird Weekend Nachos mit Apology noch ihr fünftes Studioalbum veröffentlichen.

Hier die Tourdates und das komplette Statement der Band:

To anybody who gives a shit,

We would like to announce with both sadness and excitement that 2016 will be the final year as a band for Weekend Nachos. It’s been almost 12 years and we have decided to hang it up. This is not for any reason other than the fact that all good things must eventually come to an end, and we are rapidly approaching the end of our time. It’s been an insane and crazy ride for us to see where we were able to take this band. Everything was done completely on our terms and with the same DIY spirit that we had when Andy and I first jerked each other off in our Dekalb apartment in 2004. We will continue to apply that sacred mindset towards our future projects and endeavors…I hope all of you will do the same.

We would like to thank anybody and everybody who ever shared this experience with us. Your support will never be matched and it has been a lot of fun. We will be playing a series of shows over the course of 2016 and as always, if you have a chance to see us, don’t sleep! We never know when we’ll be back. If it ever makes sense to play another show after our demise in the years to come, maybe we will, but don’t count on it.

Our 5th and final album, „Apology“, will become available sometime this year via Relapse Records, Cosmic Note and Deep Six Records. Thanks again, everybody.

Snyder, Jimbo, Gozer, and Byron 1/1/2016

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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