Anti-Flag (2019, Photo by Josh Massie)
Anti-Flag (2019, Photo by Josh Massie)

Anti-Flag präsentieren uns mit Unbreakable eine weitere Vorab-Single aus ihrem neuen Album 20/20 Vision. Das Musikvideo zum Song, das von The Critics Company, ein Kollektiv aus jungen Filmemachern aus Nigeria, gedreht wurde, findet ihr am Ende des Beitrags. Bassist und Sänger Chris#2 zur Zusammenarbeit mit The Critics Company:

„I saw this on Twitter and I thought there was nothing more in the spirit of punk rock, of DIY ethics, than what these kids were doing. As their story began to spread and people from Anti-Flag to JJ Abrams were celebrating these kids, I thought ask them if they’d want to make a music video. They said yes, immediately, even in the chaos of them going from 100 followers to over 10,000 in a day. This to me is what technology, the internet, all of the things that have been exploited to gain the powerful more power, were supposed to do. Bring us together, give us creative outlets, erase borders, economic divisions, and racial barriers. The video is their story. In the face of being told that kids from Africa don’t make movies, that you need professional equipment, and through your family having immense pressure to find the daily things needed to survive. Follow your passion. Creation is an action, not a reaction. It’s also coincidentally the over arching theme of the song, written by 4 people on the other side of the world, with insanely different lifestyles and backgrounds than The Critics Company, but share the same solidarity.“

20/20 Vision wird dann am 17. Januar 2020 über Spinefarm Records erscheinen. Bereits zuvor veröffentlichten die Polit-Punks aus dem Nachfolger von American Fall (2017) die beiden Songs Hate Conquers All und  Christian Nationalist.

Für das Quartett geht es dann Anfang 2020 mit neuem Album im Gepäck auf große Europa-Tour, für die in den kommenden Wochen auch noch einige Special-Guests verkündet werden sollen. Hier die Termine, das neue Video und das Cover-Artwork inklusive Tracklist zum neuen Album:


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8/1 Lisboa, PT – RCA Club
9/1 Madrid, ES – Caracol
10/1 Vitoria, ES – Kubik
11/1 Zaragoza, ES – Sala López
2/1 Barcelona, ES – Estrapelo
14/1 Milano, IT – HT Factory
16/1 Zurich, CH – Dynamo
17/1 Graz, AT – PPC
18/1 Vienna, AT – Flex
19/1 Prague, CZ – Roxy
21/1 Berlin, DE – SO36
22/1 Munich, DE – Backstage Werk
23/1 Nuremberg, DE – Löwensaal
24/1 Chemnitz, DE – Talschock
26/1 Warsaw, PL – Proxima
28/1 Hamburg, DE – Fabrik
29/1 Köln, DE – Essigfabrik
30/1 Haarlem, NL – Patronaat
2/2 Brighton, UK – Chalk
4/2 London, UK –02 Academy Islington
5/2 Manchester, UK – Club Academy
6/2 Birmingham, UK – The Mill
7/2 Glasgow, UK – The Garage

ANTI-FLAG – 20/20 VISION (2020)

Anti-Flag - 20/20 Vision (2020)
Anti-Flag – 20/20 Vision (2020)
  1. Hate Conquers All
  2. It Went Off Like A Bomb
  3. 20/20 Vision
  4. Christian Nationalist
  5. Don’t Let The Bastards Get You Down
  6. Unbreakable
  7. The Disease
  8. A Nation Sleeps
  9. You Make Me Sick
  10. Un-American
  11. Resistance Frequencies
- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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