Billy The Kid müssen aus persönlichen Gründen, die in ihrem Statement nicht weiter ausgeführt werden, ihre kommende Europa-Tournee absagen. Es wäre bereits ihre zehnte Tour in Europa gewesen, die nun in den kommenden Monaten nachgeholt werden soll.

Die Hardcore-Band aus Costa Rica veröffentlichte erst Anfang des Jahres ihr neues Album Destroy Babylon via Blindsided Records.

Die Band zur Absage der geplanten Shows:


We are sorry to announce that our tour around Europe has been cancelled.

Even with all the support and effort that these amazing people put to keep our 10th Europe tour alive, whom we are deeply thankful for it, some personal matters and time isn’t right for us at the moment. Wasn’t our idea to cancel this trip at the beginning but this personal matter is out of our hands, putting us in this position.

We want to give a sincere apology to our friends and promoters for cancelling these shows. Also this decision was made with all the support from MAD Booking whom has been extremely reasonable, we appreciate all the hard work made for this tour and we are really sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We expect to reschedule this tour as soon as possible and bring all the energy we have to give with this new album.

See you soon.


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Billy The Kid – Europa-Tour 2019

08.08. Gouda – StudioGonz (NLD)
09.08. Mannheim – 7er Club (GER)
10.08. Berlin – Frierock Festival (GER)
11.08. Essen – Don’t Panic (GER)
12.08. Göttingen – Exil (GER)
13.08. Erfurt – AJZ (GER)
15.08. Dresden – Loco Club (GER)
16.08. Bamberg – Juz (GER)
17.08. Volyné – Summer Punk Párty (CZE)
18.08. Ulm – Beteigeuze (GER)
19.08. Geleen – Café de Meister (NLD)
20.08. Bern – Die Cafete (CHE)
21.08. Roeselare – De Verlichte Geest (BEL)
22.08. Trier – Lucky’s Luke (GER)
23.08. München – Backstage (GER)
24.08. Kosice – Collosseum (SVK)
25.08. Lichtenstein – JZ Riot (GER

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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