Am 17ten dieses Monats wird einer der letzten noch musizierenden Ramones sein drittes Solo-Album „American Beauty“ veröffentlichen.
Und nachdem er bereits den Song „Moral To Story“ veröffentlicht hat, folgt nun mit „Let´s Go“ der zweite Vorgeschmack des Albums.

CJ RAMONE äusserte sich wie folgt zum Album:

I actually had a whole batch of songs for this record that I had been writing over the past couple of years, but things changed so much in such a short period of time, and when I sat down and listened to the songs, they seemed to be irrelevant to how I was thinking now.
I wrote this entire record in just two weeks, sitting in my basement. That is very unusual for me. Usually I’m hyper-prepared for everything. It totally goes against everything I’ve ever known. I was trained by Johnny Ramone–he was the ultimate in ‚rehearse, rehearse, rehearse; be prepared.‘ My work ethic comes from that. This is really an oddity for me.


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15.05.2017: Berlin – Bi Nuu
16.06.2017: Merkers – Rock Am Berg
17.06.2017: Nordenham – Fonsstock Festival
06.07.2017: Linz (A) – Auerhahn
07.07.2017: Strasskirchen – Plutonium Club
08.07.2017: Prölsdorf – Krach am Bach Festival
13.07.2017: Erfurt – Stotterheim
14.07.2017: Köln – Underground

1:Let’s Go
2:Yeah Yeah Yeah
3:You’ll Never Make Me Believe
4:Before the Lights Go Out
5:Girlfriend in a Graveyard
6:Tommy’s Gone
7:Run Around
8:Steady As She Goes
9:Without You
10:Be a Good Girl
11:Moral to the Story

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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