Samiam (Photo by Austin Rhodes)
Samiam (Photo by Austin Rhodes)

Freunde der Klänge von Samiam haben sich den 31. März 2023 ja bereits fett im Kalender markiert, denn dann erscheint ihr neues Album Stowaway. Das erste Album nach sage und schreibe 12 Jahren.

Von diesem durften wir mit den Tracks Crystallized und Lights Out Little Hustler bereits zwei Titel vom Album hören, welchen nun der Song Monterey Canyon folgt.


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Gitarrist Sean Kennerly zum Titel:

This song is actually about parenting—octopus parenting that is. They recently discovered a deep sea octopus off the coast of California (in Monterey Canyon) who guards her brood of eggs without eating or leaving their side, nearly a mile beneath the surface, for a record 4 1/2 years—the longest known brooding period of any animal on earth. She basically just sits there guarding the eggs until they’re ready to hatch then she dies and floats off as they come to life. Is it a metaphor? Or an essentialization of the real sacrifices even human parents make in the chain of ongoing life? Or a kinda spooky ghost mom song about a deep sea octopus?

Samiam – Stowaway (2023)

1. Lake Speed
2. Crystallized
3. Lights Out, Little Hustler
4. Shoulda Stayed
5. Shut Down
6. Scout Knife
7. Monterey Canyon
8. Natural Disasters
9. Stanley
10. Highwire
11. Something
12. Stowaway

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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