Sworn Enemy ist zurück! Nachdem die NYHC-Band lange Zeit ein neues Album angekündigt hatte, wird dieses nun endlich am 05. April 2019 unter dem Titel Gamechanger erscheinen! Wir hatten die Möglichkeit bereits vor Album-Release in die Songs reinzuhören und können vorab verraten, dass sich das Warten absolut gelohnt hat! Welche Bands Sworn Enemy Sänger Sal Lococo aus seiner Heimat New York besonders gerne hört, erfahrt ihr hier in Support Your Locals #7.
One band imparticular that I was a huge fan of is a band called Emanon from Queens NY they were a band from the early 90’s that was so ahead of their time. They released 2 demos I think im not sure but if you can find them I would highly recommend you give it a listen.
2Billy Club Sandwich
Good friends of mine Billy Club Sandwich from the Bronx who we shared the stage with many times over the years have been going strong since the early 90’s and I really don’t see any stopping them any time soon. They have quite a few releases on 7 inch and CD. Great live band they put on an awesome show check em out if you get the chance.
3Full Blown Chaos
Full Blown Chaos another Queens NY band that I am personally really good friends with who still play shows every once in a while. If you’re lucky enough to catch them. They also have a few releases but don’t ask me the names and how many cause i’m just not sure.
One of NYC’s greatest hardcore bands Madball. You know what you’re gonna get when you listen to them. They don’t try to reinvent the wheel or go out of their safe zone. They give you straight forward in your face New York Hardcore. Tons of albums and 7 inches, too many to name just google them if you wanna find all of them.
5Killing Time
Here’s a NY hardcore band that doesn’t really get spoken about much but put out one of the best records ever in my opinion, Killing Time. Brightside was always in my cd player and is always played on my Spotify and my phone.
There’s so many more I could have added but these were the ones that happen to be on my mind at the time of doing this interview.
[…] Akustik-Gitarre, verwandelt sich dann aber in meinen dritten Anspieltipp. Der wütendem Gesang von Sal Lococo wird hier hervorragend von den Instrumenten die sich wie eine Dampframme, die sich im Takt nach […]
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