Von nun an werden wir im Zwei-Wochentakt an dieser Stelle Musiker bitten ihre 10 Lieblingsplatten vorzustellen und uns zu sagen was an diesen so besonders ist.

Den Anfang macht Vom Ritchie. Wenn er nicht grade mit den toten Hosen auf den grössten Bühnen steht tourt er entweder mit TV Smith, Buster Shuffle oder einer seiner Herzensprojekte wie Spitting Vicars, Corner Boys oder, wie aktuell, mit Cryssis. Aber lasst uns von ihm hören was ihn und seine Musik beeinflusst. Die 10 grossartigsten Platten im Hause Ritchie:

1.The Beatles – Sergeant Pepper’s lonely hearts club band: Not a lot more to say about this album than what’s already been said. An all-time classic. I spent a lot of my youth tripping out to this „wink“-Emoticon


2. Jimi Hendrix – Vol. II: I bought this album when I was 12 years old. It’s a compilation that was put out by Polydor and remains in my mind the best compilation from Hendrix. Mitch Mitchells drumming had a major influence on me…

3. Black Sabbath – Vol. IV: …which brings me to my second biggest influence – Bill Ward. This was my Punk-album before Punk happened.

4. Sex Pistols – Never mind the Bollocks: This album changed my life. Nothing was ever the same again. Thank you Lydon, Cook, Jones and Matlock!!

5. The Clash – The Clash: This album is like the greatest-hits-album. Every song a winner. I remember clearly the day I bought this record. And what a day it was „wink“-Emoticon

6. The Ramones – It’s alive: My joint-favourite live album of all time. I bought this off my cousin for 2 Pounds, it was the best 2 Pounds I ever spent. I literally saw sparks fly off the turntable the first time I played it.

7. Cockney Rejects – Greatest Hits Vol I: Best guitar sound I’ve ever heard. Love the production, energy and anger. My favourite street-punk album. It also reminds me of my childhood, as I spent a lot of it in London’s East End.

8. The Cramps – Songs the Lord taught us: This band and album fascinated me, I bought it in a record shop in London’s Carnaby street and ran all the way home (to Essex). It didn’t leave my turntable for six months.

9. Ministry – In case you didn’t feel like showing up: this being my second joint-favourite live album. Absolutely love the production on this. This album sounds loud even at low Volume. It’s so fucking…just…AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! The intensity of it is mesmerising.

10. Rancid – Out come the Wolves: B Bang Cider’s permanent road companion. We literally played this album until the tape wore out. Every song a sing-along classic.

Hier das aktuelle Video zu “Fighting in Brighton” von Cryssis:


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