Es ist das Jahr 2011 – zwei Jahre her, dass Hank von Helvete Turbonegro verlassen hat. Laut Bassist Happy-Tom stehen die Chancen schlecht um ein Comeback der Band mit einem neuen Frontmann. Im Frühjahr 2011 verkündet Bitzcore Records dann einen Auftritt der Band auf den Weltturbojugendtagen. Bei diesem war bis kurz vor dem Auftritt unbekannt wer singen wird. Dann wurde der Duke Of Nothing, the saviour of Deathpunk, Tony Sylvester, der Jugend vorgestellt. Zuvor spielte er bei Dukes Of Nothing und war Präsident der Turbojugend London.

Inzwischen hat Tony zwei Alben als Sänger mit Turonbegro veröffentlicht und ist in der Band nicht mehr wegzudenken. Wir freuen uns, dass er uns hier seine zehn Lieblingsalben vorstellt und damit die 100. Ausgabe von 10 Records Worth To Die For liefert.

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1Cro Mags – Age Of Quarrel

Hardcore is not a genre that lends itself to full lengths in my opinion. Hence why there’s so few on this list. But this is the goddamn Age Of Quarrel. And Mackie was 16 when he played on the intro of We Gotta Know. Think on that.

2Queen – Sheer Heart Attack

After 11 or 12 years of listening to my sisters’ or my dad’s records, Queen was the first band that felt “mine”.

3AC/DC – Powerage

Rock shorn of artifice and hubris. Pound for pound, the best recording of guitar based music ever released.

4MC5 – High Time

Everyone talks about Kick Out The Jams, But me? I think High Time’s where it’s at.

5Negative Approach – Tied Down

Detroit. “Nothing” sounds like everything that had come before and “Evacuate” sounds like everything that would come afterwards. Unparalleled.

6John Coltrane – Olé

Half way between playing in and playing out. The finest.

7Townes Van Zandt – The Nashville Sessions

If there’s a greater first line to a song than “well the clouds didn’t look like cotton, they didn’t even look like clouds” I’ve never heard it.

8Spacemen 3 – Playing With Fire

I was 16 going on 17, it was the long hot summer of 1989, and I got laid for the third time. This was the first thing I’d listened to in two years that wasn’t hardcore or hip hop.

9Clifford Jordan Quartet – Glass Bead Games

Strata East records released some of the greatest music of the 1970s. This might be the best they ever released. Spike Lee’s dad Bill plays double bass too.

10Love – Forever Changes

The last time I did acid was September 12th, 2001. I.e. the day after the twin towers came down. Put this album on and it seemed to last for five weeks. Also played Antiseen a little earlier in the evening but was too scared to go in the room where the record player was, because we thought the band were actually in there.

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