Jet von Buster Shuffle (10 Records Worth To Die For)
Jet von Buster Shuffle (10 Records Worth To Die For)

In diesem Jahr wird das Debütalbum der Ska-Punks von Buster Shuffle zweistellig, was die Londoner dazu erwogen hat, Our Night Out noch einmal als Reissue auf den Markt zu bringen (VÖ 18. Dezember).
Neu gemastert und inklusive zwei Bonus-Tracks wird es diese Platte wohl auch in die Top-Ten mancher Hörer*innen schaffen.

Nun kommen wir aber erst einmal zu den zehn Lieblingsalben von Buster Shuffle Frontman Jet Baker.

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For 

Hey its Jet from your favourite London band Buster Shuffle. I sing and shout a bit, plus I play Joanna, or as you would call it piano. I’ve got a very mixed vinyl collection, a lot of old records that I inherited and some newer ones I’ve bought along the way.

I’m gonna talk about some of the more varied ones in my collection as there is more to music than just The Clash, The Specials and Madness, although admittedly I didn’t think that for many years. Now I have come of age so here we go…..

Scrap that. I’ve changed my mind, my list is going to have albums by The Clash and The Specials …..what was I thinking.

Buster Shuffle
Buster Shuffle

1The Clash London – Calling

Need I say more? This album oozes personality and spirit. The perfect punk masterpiece. Sonically varied but every single song has seeping of energy of youth. An almost anger that could break out into a London bar fight at any moment. I like that edge mixed with musicality and song writing craft.  Attitude, catchy tunes and loads of bollocks. 10/10. If you don’t agree you are a wanker.

2The Specials – The Specials

As soon as you hear the first note of opening track ‘Gangsters’ you know that this album is something totally special (no wanky pun intended!). Hit after hit as the album progresses and with a dark edge that no other Ska band had or has since captured. Always a band to inspire you and luckily we had the fortune to work with a few original members of The Specials over the years. Favourite track from this album is Nite Club. “ I don’t like a place like this the beer tastes of piss”! oh so familiar

3Sly And The Family Stone – Stand

Funk. Yea funk. What you gonna do about it.

Rhythm. Its all about rhythm. Bass and drums grooving. Same with Ska, it’s all got sit together and make you move. Get it right and people will dance all night. Get it wrong and you will sound like a dodgy wedding band. This is an album that I acquired from a charity shop and it’s been my most played vinyl whilst on lockdown by a country mile.  I dare you to try and find a better opening guitar riff to that of ‘simple song’. Its totally mega. Other big tracks on the album for me are “you can make it if you try” and ‘everyday people’. The final thing I love about this LP is it’s a totally live sounding record. All musicians in one room jamming it out. That’s the way music should be made.

4Stevie Wonder – Hotter Than July

This album makes the list as it has one of my favoutie tracks of all time on it. This album (in my opioin) is not his best but it features the mind bending, groove busting ‚Master Blaster‘. This tune is really from another planet! Groove, heart, vibe, incredaible playing, singing and overall songwriting. I got to see Stevie Wonder in summer 2019 when he headlined Hyde Park In London and it was truely a bucket list gig for me. The man is a genius. I just wish I could sometimes play music like his and jam along to his records but thats a big FAT NO…..with Stevie its just a listening thing, don’t even try and get on his vibe as you will just sound liked a wooden novice of a musician. He is the main man, FULLSTOP!

5Desmond Dekker – Shanty Town

I dare you to play this record when the sun is out and try not to smile. Its physically impossible. If you don’t smile you are already dead. That’s how good the songs are. Beautifully written, recorded and performed. There’s just no new music made knower days that gets near this album. If I could build a time machine ………

6Die Toten Hosen – Laune Der Natur / Learning English Lesson 2

I am completely biased  on this one as Vom is one a very  good mate. I love him and I love his punk rock spirit. He’s played with Buster Shuffle on a number of occasions and its always fantastic when he joins us for a show.

I’ve seen him play a few times with Die Toten Hosen but the problem is I don’t have a clue what the guys are singing about. ( Yes, yes bad me for not speaking German) So this album is a great way to enjoy the band and Vom at home and understand what is being said. It’s lazy punk listening on my part I know, but what are you gonna do about it.

7Motörhead – No Remorse

Opening track on this album is maybe the best song of all time. Relentless whiskey fuelled mayhem. It’s about 3000 bpm and with ripping guitar solos and about 10 verses all in squeezed in an opening album track that’s under 3 minutes long. Yup its ‘The Ace of Spades’ pure belta. There are other personal favourites ‘Iron Fist’ and ‘Dancing on your grave” this is about as heavy as my record collection gets. Yea whatever. Who you calling pussy…….

8Ian Dury and the Blockheads – New Boots and Panties

What an album what a band. This album mixes everything. Punk, Blues, Funk, Prog it’s all there. It’s as English as the queen and I love his use of London colloquialisms/slang throughout the album. The music is varied but all played super tight by his awesome band. My favourite track is ‘Sweet Gene Vincent’. Listen to this track, when it kicks in Ian’s vocal delivery has shaped allot of other singers since (including me) and so he should have as he was the bollocks.

9Buena Vista Social Club – Chan Chan

World music I hear you say. Yea give it a listen. Its mega. I don’t have a clue about what they are singing about, (yea yes bad me for not speaking Spanish) but it doesn’t stop me from absolutely loving this album. Instrumentally varied and beautiful. The vocals on the record are heavenly. I may have listened to this one album more than any other in my life. That’s no very punk rock I hear you say. Well I don’t care is my answer to you. I can live with it as this album is stunning.

10The Interrupters – Fight The Good Fight

I played Keyboards for The Interrupters on their 2018 UK tour and so I had to learn this album note for note, inside out.

I always liked the record from the start but grew to love it, especially after playing the songs live. The band are super tight musicians and nice guys too and thus they gifted it to me at the end of the tour. I still regularly give it a spin for two main reasons.

  1. A) I think the songs are tip top and get in your head after the first play
  2. B) What The Interrupters  have done as a band for the Ska Punk scene. A bolt of youthful energy and vigour which has pumped renewed life and optimism into our beloved scene. Lots of catchy punk bangers on this great record. Get involved.

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For


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