10 Records Worth To Die For: #143 with Erlend Hjelvik (Hjelvik, Kvelertak)

Erlend Hjelvik und seine 10 Lieblingsplatten!


Um 2008 rum schickte mir ein Kumpel aus Stavanger das Demo einer befreundeten Band. Der Name des Demos war sehr provokant, fast grenzwertig. Westcoast Holocaust nannte sich die Scheibe. Gesungen wurde auf norwegisch. Musikalisch eröffnete die Band eine ganz neue Welt. Black Metal, Punkrock, Hardrock, Heavy Metal, all das brachte eine unbekannte Band namens Kvelertak unter einen Hut. Heute ist die Band nicht mehr wegzudenken und hat einen grossen Fußabdruck in der Welt der Musik hinterlassen. 2018 stieg Sänger Erlend Hjelvik aus, 2020 kam sein Soloalbum.
Hier erzählt er uns was ihn zu seinem Sound bringt:

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For »

1Danzig – Danzig

The man, the myth, the legend! Danzig is the coolest singer and frontman in the worId. He’s been a big inspiration for me, especially when it comes to the ATTITUDE one should have on stage! He is a genius, what he did in the Misfits is incredible and to be able to top that output with Danzig is nothing short of amazing. I love the first Danzig album and the second one almost equally, but this is the one that hit me first. Pretty much a flawless heavy metal album with many hits on it. No, I will never get tired of “Mother” even after hearing it a gazillion times.

2Mercyful Fate – Melissa

The best black metal AND heavy metal album of all time! I remember laughing my ass off the first time I heard King Diamond’s voice as a kid but soon the joke was on me as he is now one of my absolute favorite singers and frontmen. Another huge inspiration which I’m sure doesn’t come as a surprise!

3Black Sabbath – Sabotage

My favorite Black Sabbath album because this is the one that really clicked with me as a kid. It’s just an awesome heavy metal roller coaster of an album. I love the atmospheric grandiose parts on there too. Peak Black Sabbath!

4Bathory – Bathory

Nasty old school black thrash metal, this album is just incredible and never gets old. It has the perfect sound, menacing and evil.

5Metallica – Master of Puppets

This is the best Metallica album, the sound is amazing on it and with hits like Battery and Orion it’s the perfect thrash metal album.

6Slayer – Reign in Blood

Ok, this is the perfect thrash metal album too! Just insane speed, atmosphere and power. I don’t think any band is ever gonna come close to beating the perfection that is this album.

7Pentagram – Be Forewarned

Another one of my favorite singers, Bobby Liebling. I love his voice and to me this is the peak of doom metal. This album has amazing riffs and a great warm sound. Check out Vampyre Love or The World Will Love Again if you haven’t already

8Mayhem – Mysteriis dom Sathanas

The BEST Norwegian black metal album in my opinion. Atilla has an insane voice and the atmosphere is so dark, cold and evil that you’ll need to put on long underwear to listen to this masterpiece. I really love the awesome production by Pytten with the huge drum sound from Hellhammer too, stand out bass playing and Euronymous’s frosty riffs.

9Roky Ericksson – The Evil One

The best crazy feel good music I can recall. It’s weird, it’s upbeat and happy sounding while still sounding strange and evil at the same time. His lyrics are genuinely disturbing, check out the documentary and the other albums from Roky if you haven’t already. I’m sad he’s gone way too soon.

10Immortal – Sons of Northern Darkness

I love this album, this just blew me away as a teenager and it still does. Lots of ice cold hits with both power and melody. Abbath is also another big inspiration, I love his voice and stage presence. Hail Blashyrk!

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For »


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