BARACKCA (Punk/Ungarn) im Oktober auf Europa-Tour


Die ungarische Punk-Band Barackca, welche in letzter Zeit vermehrt unterwegs war, kommt im Oktober wieder einmal auf Europa-Tour. Die Band stammt aus Budapest und spielt bereits seit 1993 zusammen.

The Barackca formed in 1993 in Budapest. Political songs already appeared in their early years alongside with the satirical ones. They self-published a total of 8 albums. They had over 700 concerts in 24 European and 4 Asian countries. In their songs they often criticize capitalism, point out social problems, and they hold racism, National Socialism and every repressive authority unacceptable. (Quelle:

Barackca-Tour 2019

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- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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