Culture Abuse
Culture Abuse

Culture Abuse haben im Zuge eines Statements ihres Sängers David Kelling ihre sofortige Auflösung bekanntgegeben. Kelling hat eine Erklärung in seinem Instagram-Account veröffentlicht, in der er sexuelles Fehlverhalten und emotionalen Missbrauch aus seiner Vergangenheit einräumt.

Kurze Zeit später meldete sich die restliche Band, in der sie bekanntgaben, dass sich Culture Abuse aufgelöst hat.

Die Band hatte erst heute ihr Compilation-Album Good Shit, Bad Shit, Who Gives A Shit über Epitaph Records veröffentlicht.


Hier das Statement von Sänger David Kelling:

„There is no easy way of saying this. I have wanted to open up about it for a while, but didn’t know how to really until now. I have to be completely honest and accountable.

„There are times in my life where I haven’t been the best person, to say the absolute least. Growing up with a disability I processed my feelings in some unhealthy ways. I had a lot of anger and frustration that caused me to lean on sex and drugs and manipulation to cope with depression/emotional issues instead of seeking real help. And I didn’t stop to reflect on how my actions may have harmed people.

„As these stories come up with how toxic the music scene has been, I have to recognize where I have been guilty of similar behaviors.

„10 years ago I was 22 and slept with a 17-year-old. I led her on and pressured her and over time left the relationship without checking in on her feelings. Now come to find out it caused pain that she has had to deal with all the time. She did not deserve that in any way. We spoke on the phone today with both of our partners present and she said she accepted my apology, though she didn’t have to.

„But this is not the only instance where someone deserves an apology and this has not been the only time where I have acted without considering other’s emotions.

„The guilt I have felt has been overwhelming and I didn’t know how to open up or go back and fix it on my own. Or to tell people I do not want to be put on a pedestal because I have been a fuck-up that’s trying to work on myself.

„Three years ago I met my girlfriend and she’s been pivotal in showing me the ways my behaviors are wrong and how to be a better partner and person. I’ve tried to grow as a person and love myself and treat the people in my life with empathy. I’m far from perfect, but I have been trying. And I’ve reflected and grappled with the angry younger person I was. I know this doesn’t fix the past mistakes or excuse me from the work I know that I need to continue to do.

„I recognize that it is time that I find the help I need and do my best to right my wrongs. I am so sorry to anyone I have hurt. Nothing makes it better but I promise to try and do my part. If anyone wants to reach out PLEASE DO. I want to be better and I want to be fully accountable.“


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Hier das Statement von Culture Abuse:


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