HC History mit Karl Smith von Jaya The Cat – Wie alles begann #18


Jaya The Cat meldet sich am Freitag, den 17. November 2017, mit ihrem langerwarteten, neuen Album A Good Day For The Damned, das über Destiny Records erscheint. Wir nahmen dies zum Anlass mit Jaya The Cat Keyboarder und Gitarrist über seine Hardcore-Punk Ursprünge zu sprechen.

Jaya The Cat

1Weißt du noch in welchen Club deine erste Hardcore / Punk Show stattfand? Gibt es den Club heute noch und hast du dort schon einmal selbst auftreten können?

I believe it was AFI at Manchester Academy. The venue is still going strong and I go there often to watch bands still.

2Hast du einen absoluten Lieblingsclub (In deiner Heimat / in Europa)?

For me its probably a place called The Parish in my hometown Huddersfield. We get some amazing bands spanning all genres and everything from small up and coming bands to larger touring bands. I spend a lot of time in there checking out new bands.

3Erinnerst du dich an deine erste Hardcore-Punk Platte, die du besitzt hast?

I believe it was a Stiff Little Fingers CD I stole off my step-dad.

4Wie sieht für dich die perfekte Show aus?

Good music and good people. I am not a fan of crowd killing and tend to stay to the sides if I know its going to go off. I like old fashioned circle pits and stage diving but I’m definitely not a fan of being spin kicked in the face.

Jaya The Cat – A Good Day For The Damned ::: Review (2017)

5Was war deine absolute Lieblingsshow, die du selbst gespielt hast?

Thats a hard question. We played Mighty Sounds in Czech Republic in 2015 and that was a pretty amazing show. Everything came together and it was just a super fun. I also love playing Punk Rock Holiday in Slovenia.

6Gab es eine Show, bei der du dich heute noch ärgerst, dass du nicht dabei sein konntest?

Oh man, so so many. I remember when I was a kid I really wanted to see the Melvins. I took a train over to one of their shows but sadly it had sold out. I hung out outside and met the band and tried to get them to sneak me in but sadly it did not work.

7Welche bereits aufgelöste Hardcore / Punk Band würdest du am liebsten noch einmal sehen?

I’m going to say Dillinger Escape Plan. They have just played their farewell tour and they’re just such an incredible live band and i’m not ready to say goodbye to them yet. I don’t think I would ever get bored of see those guys play live.

8Gibt es eine Person, die dich in Sachen Hardcore/Punk besonders beeinflusst hat?

I can’t think of one specific person that really influenced me. When I was a kid I was really into the grunge scene and pretty much learnt how to play while listening to bands like Mudhoney, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Nirvana, L7, Pixies and the Melvins so I owe a lot to all of those bands and that style of music.

9Was sind deiner Meinung nach die Top 3 Hardcore Frontmänner (-frauen)?


  • Brooks Wackerman – Bad Religion / Vandals / Infectious Grooves
  • Dave Grohl – Scream / Nirvana
  • Bill Stevenson – Descendants

Front Men / Women: 

  • Matt Caughthran – The Bronx
  • Mike Patton – Faith No More / Dillinger Escape Plan / Mr Bungle / Fantomas / Dead Cross / Tomahawk
  • Keith Buckley – Every Time I Die / The Damned Things

10Was ist für dich die meist unterschätzteste Hardcore/Punk Band?

Every Time I Die. One of my all-time favorite bands and one of the best live bands I’ve ever seen. I totally lose my shit at their concerts.

11Welche neueren Hardcore-Punk Bands hörst du momentan?

There is a lot of great music coming out at the minute. Here is a list of bands that are not necessarily new but have new releases that i’m excited about.

Marmozets, Arcane Roots, Mr Shiraz, Feed the Rhino, Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes, The Skints, Fierce Ideas, Traits, Sounds of Swarmi, The Human Project, HCBP, The Bronx.

Jaya The Cat befindet sich, passen zur Veröffentlichung von A Good Day For The Damned, Mitten auf großer Release-Tour. Hier die Dates:

Nov. 15 Leipzig (GER) – Felsenkeller
Nov. 16 Munich (GER) – Backstage
Nov. 17 Stuttgart (GER) – Hallschlag


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