Insight (Pressebild, 2020)
Insight (Pressebild, 2020)

Insight präsentieren uns mit Take It Back den ersten neuen Song seit drei Jahrzehnten. Die Single wird auf dem Album Reflection enthalten sein, die neben drei weiteren neuen Songs auch Tracks aus ihrer Anfangszeit enthält. Ihr findet das Musikvideo zu Take It Back gemeinsam mit der Tracklist von Reflection am Ende des Beitrags.

Insight-Sänger Mark Statt zum neuen Album:

Reflection, the title definitely says it all. This album is a retrospect and a reflection to the history of INSIGHT. Most of those songs were written when we were teenagers back in the ‘80s and still have meaning for those who supported us back then.” “With our new songs I hope it’s clear about how we feel about the current administration. I am very opposed to what is happening with our government but it’s safe to say most have felt that way for years. I also encourage living a meat-free, cruelty-free, lifestyle.

Insight gründete sich Ende der 80er und gilt als eine der einflussreichsten Hardcore-Bands aus und um Salt Lake City. Reflection wird am 31. Juli 2020 auf Mission Two Entertainment, dem neuem Label von Victory Records Gründer Tony Brummel, erscheinen.


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Reflection Tracklist

Insight - Reflection (2020)
Insight – Reflection (2020)
  1. Standing Strong
  2. Believe
  3. Walk Away
  4. Enough
  5. Identity Crisis
  6. End The Cruelty
  7. Get It
  8. Silent Shore
  9. Take It Back
  10. Lost In My Pride
  11. Reflection
  12. Strength
  13. Walk Away (Live)
  14. End The Cruelty (Live)
  15. Standing Strong (Live)
  16. Enough (Live)
  17. Identity Crisis (Live)
  18. Control (Live)
  19. Tied Down (Live)
  • Tracks 1-6: Originally from the 1989 release Standing Strong (aka What Will It Take 7”).
  • Track 7: From the Voice Of Thousands compilation in 1990.
  • Track 8: From the Only The Strong compilation in 1990.
  • Tracks 9-12: Brand new, never released songs.
  • Tracks 13-19: Recorded live in August 1989 at City Gardens, Trenton, New Jersey.
- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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