Lou Koller mit Sick Of It All (Photo by Sven Nöhren)

Wie leider viele andere Mitglieder aus Bands, äußerten sich auch die beiden Sick Of It All-Mitglieder Armand Majidi und Craig Setari in der näheren Vergangenheit immer mal wieder etwas fragwürdig zur aktuell vorherrschenden Pandemielage und weiteren Verschwörungstheorien. Dieses taten sie unter anderem über Instagram, wobei die meisten kritischen Posts mittlerweile gelöscht wurden.
Man kann sich jedoch noch in einigen Podcasts ein kleines Bild dazu machen, wie z.B. hier oder hier).

Nun hat sich Frontman Lou Koller, über die Kommentarspalte eines Instagram-Posts, zu den Anschuldigungen geäußert:

Hey guys Lou here. I find it sad that you are all so quick to condemn the whole band and all we stood for and fought for , because the opinions that Armand and Craig have expressed. If you notice they have never pushed them on the bands pages. It’s also funny that we (SICK OF IT ALL) are getting shit from fans who are saying we AREN’T doing enough to standing up to the oppression that is happening. (Just to be clear that’s the other fans words not ours, ok) If you are just casual fans you might not notice that a majority of our lyrics are about questioning the powers that be. Do you take everything your government says as fact? Like they have such good track records? It would easier if we just sang about hanging with da boys and drinking beer and yelling Oi Oi Oi in every song. Wait we do yell it in a few of them. Anyway. Each of us in the band came to our own conclusions and live our lives the way we see fit. That doesn’t mean Armand and Craig are running around ripping masks off people and causing riots at Walmarts across the country. They are two very intelligent people not just reactionary idiots. In fact they are probably more cautious than most when dealing with this. Yes they have their views and should be able to express them. And as “influential” as you think they are they are really just giving people something to think about. I mean come on they didn’t convince you to change your minds about this plague and the vaccine. And if you really feel that strongly that you want to condemn us all, before you do that I urge you to go to their pages and talk to them. I believe Mr. @valentinoeckinghaus has interacted with Armand. Maybe do that before you condemn a band who you supposedly admired or was a fan of. Instead as soon as you disagree with the opinion of one member you condemn us all and disrespect us with your funny meme. Again, I hope you understand that we are four guys who grew up together, and have always had different opinions yet somehow we have managed to stay together for over 30 years. If you still feel you can enjoy our music anymore because of what they said, we hope you had fun with us up till this point.


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2 Kommentare

  1. Regelmässig den Big Truth Podcast hören, da weiß man wie die ticken (auch Al Barr, Jimmy G etc. geben ähnliches von sich). Wobei ich es generell mal erfrischend finde, dass nicht alle so woke Opportunisten sind wie in DE…

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