Die US Hardcore Band Malfunction muss ihre für März gebuchte Europa Tour aus persönlichen Gründen abgesagen. Die Shows von 4ten bis 17ten März sollten mit Coldburn und Harm/Shelter stattfinden. Hier ein Statement der Band:

Malfunction will no longer be able to make this tour happen in March. A couple of our members have had some very serious issues come up recently and we were thinking of every possible way to make this tour happen because we really want to make it to Europe. These things are just out of our control completely right now. Like i said we thought of every situation we could to fix this and make this work but we are powerless at this point. We’re all devastated about not being able to make this work. I hope this doesn’t reflect poorly on us, this is something that is truly out of our hands and if it were possible for us to make it, we would 100%. We appreciate all the hard work you guys have put into this and it is not unnoticed. Again, our sincerest apologies.

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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