Support Your Locals #17 mit Brad von GUILT TRIP


Guilt Trip werden in wenigen Tagen ihr neues Album River Of Lies über BDHW Records veröffentlichen. Im November spielt die Band dann auch auf unserem Stäbruch Festival neben Agnostic Front, Desolated und vielen mehr. Wir nahmen das bevorstehende Release und unser Fest zum Anlass Bassist Brad Hall nach seinen fünf Lieblingsbands aus seiner Heimat Manchester zu fragen.

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5 Bands aus Manchester und Umgebung, die ihr auschecken solltet

Guilt Trip (Picsby Kirsty Cullinane)

Whats up, I’m Brad and I play bass in the band Guilt Trip. Our local scene is Manchester, most the band is from Manchester or surrounding area’s and its where the band first started out. Five bands from our local scene!

1Broken Teeth

First of all we have to start off with Broken Teeth, if someone says Manchester hardcore they’re the band that will come to mind. They’ve been killing it for a long time, they put an EP called The Seeker out in 2011 with songs on it that go that hard they’re still in the set to this day. Their most recent release, a full length “At Peace Amongst Chaos” is a big statement that lets everyone know they’re sick as fuck. If for some reason you haven’t listen to them, do it. If they play near you, go see them. They put on a great show and the frontman Dale brings great energy to the stage.


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Another big Manchester name and one of my favourite bands is Survival. They were a straight edge band but you don’t have to be straight edge to be a massive fan. They have such a groovy yet heavy sound with unique vocals. They put a Demo out in 2011, then dropped some more tracks in 2012 followed by a EP “Forged in Iron” in 2014, any song by these goes in. They broke up a couple years back so unfortunately for everyone you can’t catch them live but still, listen to that shit.


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3Screw Loose

A smaller band from Manchester are our good friends and our drummers other band Screw Loose. They put a self titled EP out in 2017 and play some shows now and again in the UK. Very energetic, groovy vibes so be sure to check them out.


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Exemption are another band to check out. They’re from Huddersfield which isn’t far from us and where we play a lot of shows. Our new second guitarist Nick is in exemption as well. They go hard and have some real nice metallic riffs. Always make cool music vids as well so check one of them out.


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Another cool band is Chamber, the UK, fuck knows where they’re from, Telford? anyways wherever it is its not far and they’re heavy as fuck. Listen to their stuff and go to a show. You won’t be sorry.


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Guilt Trip mit neuem Album auf dem Stäbruch

Das Stäbruch Fest 2019 findet am 09. November statt. Dort werden neben Guilt Trip Agnostic Front, Desolated und neun weitere Bands auftreten. Alle Informationen dazu findet ihr im Facebook-Event.

Guilt Trips River Of Lies wird am 30. August 2019 über BDHW Records erscheinen.


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