Redemption Denied-Gitarrist VDP (Bild von Kevin Bethke)
Redemption Denied-Gitarrist VDP (Bild von Kevin Bethke)

Erst im Mai haben Redemption Denied mit Where Dead Ends Meet ihr erstes Release seit fast einem Jahrzehnt, über ihrem neun Label Isolation Rec., veröffentlicht. Wir nahmen den neuen Longplayer der Hardcore-Band aus den Benelux zum Anlass, Gitarrist VDP seine 10 Lieblingsplatten vorstellen zu lassen.

This list was very hard because I don’t have any ‘Best’ albums, because it differs from time to time depending on what mood I’m in. So instead I created a list of records that somehow brought me into heavy music and crafted or defined my taste in the genre. So, in no particular order:

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For »

1Madball – Ball Of Destruction

Before I got into hardcore I mostly listened to punk rock or metal. Till one day a friend of mine walked in with a copy of Madball – Ball of Destruction and said “You have to check this out”. I got hooked ever since.

2Terror – Lowest of the low

Terror is the best band in hardcore for a while now. We toured with them back in 2015 and you can watch that band play live every day. I remember seeing them in the old Lintfabriek on a sold out show. Didn’t got a ticket in time but was able to get in for Terror. Crazy show.

3Kindred – File 01

A local band form the area from where I grew up. I was a little too young to catch them on their peak, but I was able to see them play live a couple of times. Played that record over and over moshing in my room.

4Hatebreed – Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire

This record should be in anyone’s collection. The best heavy hardcore record.

5Trapped Under Ice – Big Kiss Goodnight

I remember when this came out in 2011. I played this record for weeks on end.  In my opinion a perfect modern hardcore record. Flawless songwriting.

6Sepultura – Chaos AD

Before I got into hardcore I listened to a lot to metal and punk rock. Sepultura was on heavy rotation in those days. The groove and heaviness of that record is what did it for me.

7Bad Religion – Stranger Than Fiction

In my punk rock days I listened a lot to Bad Religion amongst others. This is such a good record. It nails the melodies and harmonies while still keeping it a lit bit punky. The harmonies in ‘Tiny Voices’ still give me chills when I listen to this record.

8Integrity – Those Who Fear Tomorrow

I always have been a fan of clevo styled hardcore, uhey embrace metal influences differently than other metalcore bands. The first band I was ever in was heavily influenced by Integrity and Ringworm.

9All Out War – For Those Who Were Crucified

One of the heaviest hardcore records ever. Even after more than 20 years this record still sounds amazing by modern standards. All Out War must be one of the most consistent bands ever in my opinion. They just don’t have a bad record. Each and every one of them is heavy with lyrics about all the ugliness of mankind.

10No Turning Back – Damage Done

I think I saw this band live a million times and they have been around for 25 years. For that alone they deserve a spot in this list. If someone ever asks you to make a playlist to introduce them to hardcore NTB definitely deserves their spot and ‘Damage Done’ is a great record.

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For »


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