Eat Me Fresh zählen zu den aufstrebendsten Hardcore-Acts, die sich in Europa momentan so rum tummeln. Anfang März veröffentlichte die tschechische Band ihr neues Album Mob über Demons Run Amok Entertainment. Wir nahmen das zum Anlass die Jungs ihre zehn Lieblingsalben vorstellen zu lassen.

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For »

1Broken Teeth – The Seeker (Hannes Busch / Vocals)

This band and album is a must listen for everyone. Love the riffs, power and lyrics from the beginning of their career.

2King Nine – Scared To Death (Hannes Busch / Vocals)

One of my favorite hardcore albums, some heavy shit from NY, this band got me through some bad times and helped me a lot.

3Rotting out – Street Prowl (Hannes Busch / Vocals)

The Wrong Way absolute favorites, their lyrics and music helped me to get through a lot. Their life style and music are something I could relate to.

4Rage Against the Machine – The Battle of Los Angeles (Mára / Guitar)

RATM, one of the essential bands of my adolescents, I remember playing Tonny Hawk Pro Skater and there was this song called Guerrila Radio playing all over again. For me, the most adored songs are Testify and Sleep now in the fire. I never had any guitar ideal but that riff done by Morello is just immortal. I love the sound of this album and its groove as well.

5Ramones – Road To Ruin (Mára / Guitar)

Ramones, lifelong love. My most liked album would be Road to ruin. That directness and that melody could thrill me even after many years, not really sure if it could ever pall me.

6Rotting out – Street Prowl (Mára / Guitar)

Street prowl, album that was brought to me by our vocalist.  It is a pure energy. It has absolutely everything that it should be having. The best songs for me are Laugh now, die later and Dead to me.

7Slipknot – Iowa Pepča / Drummer

For me absolutely crucial band and album equally. Slipknot was full of drive, one of the first tough bands ever that has brought me to a big interest in music, which has got me eventually to playing the drums.

8Cold World – How The Gods Chill (Tom / Bass)

Magnificent groovy album with ingenious vocals is for me definitely one of the most played hardcore records in my collection.

9Infernäl Mäjesty – Unholier Than Thou (Tom / Bass)

Thanks to this album, I started playing the guitar. And even though I hardly listen to this record nowadays, I will never forget those guitar riffs and the whole concept of this album whatsoever.

10Pantera – Cowboys From Hell (Tom / Bass)

It’s truly hard to mention only one album from this band. Pantera is slowly turning into a more controversial band due to.

Weitere 10 Records Worth To Die For »

Mob ist am 08. März 2019 über Demons Run Amok Entertainment erscheinen.


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