Geschlagene 14 Jahren musste man sich auf neues Material von Ann Beretta. Ich würde gerne sagen, dass Warten hat sich gelohnt, aber das war einfach eine viel zu lange Zeit. Dennoch beweist die Punk-Rock Combo aus Richmond, VA (USA) auf ihrer neuen selbstbetitelten Single, dass sie es immer noch drauf hat!
Doch damit nicht genug. So soll Ann Beretta im Laufe der nächsten Monate gleich zwei neue Alben veröffentlichen. Während eines der beiden Alben komplett neues Material beinhalten soll, handelt es sich bei dem zweiten um die Neuaufnahme alter Ann Beretta Klassiker.
Die beiden Songs, Kill The Lights und Forever Family, der neuen Single können hier angehört werden.
Ann Beretta Frontmann Rob Huddleston zu den Plänen der Band:
„While playing shows again, and more often, we (Ann Beretta) started revisiting songs from the old days, mainly the BITTER TONGUES era, that we hadn’t played live in a very long time; and in some cases ever. At the same time we started writing and playing a few new songs with no real thought of recording or releasing them but really just to have some fun again and to see what a new version of this old band might sound like.
Throughout 2016 we toyed with the idea of writing and recording a new record that would recapture the angst and energy of our younger, 1996 selves and in 2017 have begun that journey. At the same time we reached out to our friends and fans over social media asking for their favorite songs from the back catalog to begin concepting an album of re-recorded and revised old songs. After compiling the list of requests and throwing in a few of our favorites we decided on 13 songs to record for what will be the first of 2 new studio albums to be released in the upcoming year by our friends at Say-10 records.
With all of this upcoming action the band decided to tease our fans a bit with a self titled 7 inch record that includes one song from each in-the-works full length. And we really went big on the packaging with a GOLD (500 copies) and SILVER (250 copies) metallic layout and matching colored vinyl for this very limited release.
The old songs one will be out in the fall! The other will probably be early next year!“