HC History mit Brad Hall von Guilt Trip – Wie alles begann #61


Die erste Show, die erste Platte und seine größten Einflüsse! Wir sprachen anlässlich des neuen Guilt Trip Albums River Of Lies und ihrem Auftritt auf dem Stäbruch Festival 2019 mit Bassist Brad Hall über seine Hardcore-Punk-Roots und wie sie zur Musik und Szene gekommen sind.

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Guilt Trip (Picsby Kirsty Cullinane)

Weißt du noch in welchen Club deine erste Hardcore / Punk Show stattfand? Gibt es den Club heute noch und hast du dort schon einmal selbst auftreten können?

The first hardcore show I ever went to wasn’t until April 2011, I’d just started liking heavy music but I didn’t know anything about hardcore or that there was even a “scene” at this point. The show was Your Demise headline tour with Trapped Under Ice supporting at Manchester’s Club Academy. The venue is still open now although they never really have hardcore shows there, mainly cause its quite a pricey venue to book.


Hast du einen absoluten Lieblingsclub?

If i had to choose one favourite venue I’ve played it would be the Plug in Sheffield. It’s a great venue, big stage stage, good merch space and no daft pillars in the middle of the room killing the vibe. If it was a location, it would be anywhere in mainland Europe, the hospitality from the promoter and venues is a different standard to UK shows.

Erinnerst du dich an deine erste Hardcore-Punk Platte, die du besessen hast?

The first record I bought was a Black Flag 6 pack EP but the first punk record I was ever given was a british punk band called Charged GBH, my dad used to be into that shit back in the day and he gave me all his old records when I was a kid.

Wie sieht für dich die perfekte Show aus?

The perfect hardcore show is just where it’s full of mates having a good time, moshin how they wanna mosh without any crying or bitchin.

Was war deine absolute Lieblingsshow, die du gespielt hast?

My favourite show is Abyss Fest in Switzerland, wasn’t the biggest show we’ve done but was my favourite for sure. The crowd was packed, the stage was big and the promoters were the best. We had as much free beer as we wanted and the crowd were circle pitting the whole night which is something I’ve wanted to see on stage for a long time.

Gab es eine Show, bei der du dich heute noch ärgerst, dass ihr mit Guilt Trip nicht dabei sein konntest?

Not really, when we were first starting up we wouldn’t miss a show ever. If we got offered it we’d play it. I remember so many times where i would play a show then drive straight to my work, get there for like 4am, get a bit of sleep in my car then start my shift at 6am, work until 2pm then get back in the car and drive and meet the boys at the next show we had. we took any opportunity we could get and were always grateful for being booked.

Welche bereits aufgelöste Hardcore / Punk Band würdest du am liebsten noch einmal sehen?

Your Demise with Ed McRae as frontman. Every song they released fucking banged. I’d love to see a reunion tour from that band and if it did happen I’d love Guilt Trip to play it.

Gibt es eine Person, die dich in Sachen Hardcore/Punk besonders beeinflusst hat?

I wouldn’t say for me there’s one specific person. We all got into hardcore at the same time and the band grew as our knowledge of hardcore grew. For me, my band mates are my influences, for them they probably have their own personal influences but those guys are what keeps me wanting to play shows.

Was sind deiner Meinung nach die Top 3 Hardcore Frontmänner (-frauen)?

  1. Ed McRae hands down my favourite. In my opinion the guy brought style to the scene.
  2. Henry Rollins. Did whatever the fuck he wanted and wore what he wanted and no one could tell him otherwise.
  3. Ajay Jones, Brutality Will Prevail’s old front man. Had such a unique voice, was a shame he left the band.

Was ist für dich die meist unterschätzteste Hardcore/Punk Band?

Hmm, underrated, I’m not sure about that one. A lot of the band are into Splitknuckle, they’ve been doing bits for a while now they should be bigger than they are.

Welche neueren Hardcore-Punk Bands hörst du momentan?

To be honest i haven’t seen a lot of new bands start up recently, more often then not a band will pop up and be gone a couple months later, some of our favorite smaller bands at the minute are, Exemption, Screw Loose, Dagger Threat and Rough Justice are releasing something soon that I’m sure will go hard.

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Das Stäbruch Fest 2019 findet am 09. November statt. Dort werden neben Guilt Trip Agnostic Front, Desolated und neun weitere Bands auftreten. Alle Informationen dazu findet ihr im Facebook-Event.

Guilt Trips River Of Lies wird am 30. August 2019 über BDHW Records erscheinen.


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