Die erste Show, die erste Platte und seine größten Einflüsse! Wir sprachen anlässlich der bevorstehenden Rebellion Tour mit Madball-Frontmann Freddy Cricien über seine Hardcore-Punk-Roots – könnte sich für die Rubrik jemand besser eignen als Freddy? Wahrscheinlich nicht!

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Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?


Freddy Madball: My first show was Agnostic Front at A7 which is no longer there. There or great gildersleeves in NYC – neither club exist anymore. Bad Brains was also one of the first, at great gildersleeves. Around the same time.

What is your all-time favorite club or location?

Freddy: I don’t have an all-time favorite really. I liked Wetlands for shows and it had a cool  bar. I liked Coney Island high for the shows, atmosphere and location. Those were two prominent clubs in the 90’s. CB’s was great for nostalgic reasons but not pleasant to hang out at, at least inside. Later on the downstairs was kind of cool.  Irving Plaza is a great venue that still exist. But, it’s not your typical dingy hardcore club. It’s more a proper venue but sort of intimate in its own way.

Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?

Freddy Madball singt als Teenager für Agnostic Front (Bild zur Verfügung gestellt von Drew Stone)

Freddy: You can probably answer these questions if you know my/our history haha. I got into Hardcore through my oldest brother Roger (yes from Agnostic Front) so, fair to say initially all my hardcore stuff was related to AF. To be specific, United Blood EP and then of course Victim In Pain LP. Not a bad start huh?!

In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?

Freddy: When the band and crowd become one. There’s nothing “perfect” about hardcore. It’s very imperfect and that’s actually a good thing. I don’t love the word perfect. I get what you mean though. To me when you connect with the crowd combined with the energy hardcore produces, that makes for a great show. This can happen at a club show or even a bigger festival show – believe it or not! It’s harder to connect with a barricade but not impossible. It’s all about that symbiotic transfer of energy. With all music really.

What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?

Freddy: I don’t know that I’ve played it yet. So, I can’t answer that properly. I have plenty of good memories of shows throughout the years though. Many. They’re not all old shows either. A lot are more recently actually.

Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?

Freddy: I regret not seeing Tom Petty. Completely unrelated to hardcore I know. but, I could have seen him and didn’t and he passed. Shame. There’s tons of shows I’ve missed or that happened before my time. Can’t dwell on that just see the ones you can now!

What band would you like to see again?

Photo by Michelle Olaya

Freddy: Coldplay is one of them. They were great and one of my favorites. Ice Cube was awesome at Irving some years back, would love to see him in that setting again. I know it’s not hardcore,  don’t be bummed I like all types of music, deal with it. Besides that, I don’t know we’re pretty fortunate in our “job” to be able to play and cross paths with a lot of cool bands. Even other genres. I always like seeing our friends and playing with them. They’re usually better than a lot of bands as well. Ha.

Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?

Freddy: Overall influence would have to be Roger and Vinnie from Agnostic Front.

What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men/women?

Freddy: Man, that’s always hard to just pic 3. There’s different strokes for different folks. I’m going to have say…

  • Roger – Agnostic Front
  • HR – Bad Brains
  • John – Cro-Mags

What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?

Freddy: Killing Time. The “purist” reading this will say what do you mean? Because they clearly know, Brightside by Killing Time is simply a master-piece. I’m speaking on the general scale, not enough people domestically and globally know how much of a master piece that record truly is. How influential and how important. So that’s my pick. People are starting to get it though…

Are there some newer bands you could mention? 

Freddy: Yes; NO OPTION. Thanks!

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Madball auf Rebellion Tour 2020

Bands: Madball, Knocked Loose, Harm’s Way, Siberian Meat Grinder, Hawser, Dagger Threat

13.03.2020 Essen – Weststadthalle (GER)
14.03.2020 Maastricht – De Muziekgieterij (NLD)
15.03.2020 Wiesbaden – Schlachthof (GER)
16.03.2020 Aarau – Kiff (CHE)
17.03.2020 Wien – Arena (AUT)
18.03.2020 Hannover – Faust (GER)
19.03.2020 Haarlem – Patronaat (NLD)
21.03.2020 Wroclaw – Zaklete Rewiry (POL)
22.03.2020 Chemnitz – AJZ (GER)


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3 Kommentare

  1. Alter Meister, is dat langweilig, was ihr den fragt. Was sollen denn diese unnötigen Interviews immer? Genau diese Fragen beantwortet der doch seit Jahren am laufenden Band. Fragt den doch mal was spannendes…

    • Wenn du unsere Seite hin und wieder checken würdest, hättest du bestimmt schon Interviews mit Freddy gelesen, die dir vielleicht eher taugen würden – aber Hauptsache erstmal Maul aufmachen, gell? 😉 Das ist übrigens eine Interview-Reihe, bei dem die Fragen nie geändert werden. Grüße!

  2. Alter Meister, is dat langweilig, was ihr den gefragt habt. Was sollen denn solche unsinnigen Interviews? Das hat der doch alles schon ne Millionen mal beantwortet…

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