Kevin Seconds, seines Zeichens Frontman der HC-Punk-Formation 7Seconds, wandelt ja nicht gerade erst seit gestern auf den sehr beliebten Solopfaden und so dürfen wir uns in regelmäßigen Abständen immer wieder auf etwas ruhiger gelagerte Laute von ihm freuen.

Wie auch nun mal wieder…hört HIER Please Write A Song Of Hope.
Er selbst äusserte sich zur Entstehung des Tracks wie folgt:

Longtime friend and Song Forge member Cliff H left this on here early today:
‚please write us a song of hope‘
and I responded with, ‚I can’t. i’ve tried.‘
Shortly thereafter, I started to feel a little guilty. It wasn’t because I thought that Cliff actually expected a hopeful song out of me but because…FUCK, man…I hate how cynical I’ve become about people and the world and I want so badly to still have something in my heart that I feel is worthy enough to share with people I care about and love.
Strangely enough, the more I got to thinking about it, the more inspired to play, sing and write I got and before I knew it, this song popped out.
It isn’t a hopeful song but it is a song to let my friends, fans and loved ones know that I still give a fuck what happens to us and I still love you even when I’m being a self-involved prick.
Please enjoy.

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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