Das Punk & Disorderly 2020 ist aufgrund der aktuellen Lage, leider wie zu erwarten, abgesagt worden. Es ist für dieses Jahr auch kein Nachholtermin geplant, so dass das Indoor-Festival in Berlin erst wieder 2021 ausgetragen wird.

Das Punk & Disorderly 2020 war für den 08. bis 10. Mai im Astra Kulturhaus in Berlin geplant, bei dem Bands wie Cock Cparrer, The Adcits und Bishops Green auftreten sollten.

Die Veranstalter von M.A.D.-Tourbooking stehen bereits mit den für 2020 bestätigen Bands in Kontakt um das Line-Up für 2021 zu übernehmen. Hierzu sollen schon bald erste Informationen folgen.


Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten auch für 2021 ihre Gültigkeit. Supportet das Punk & Disorderly und gebt eure Tickets, falls es eure finanzielle Lage zulässt, nicht zurück!

Hier das Statement vom Punk & Disorderly zur diesjährigen Absage:

Dear Punxs,

we hope you’re fine and in a good health.

We want to give you an update for the PUNK & DISORDERLY 2020! Thanks for being so patient.

The government in Germany shutdown all shows/clubs till the 19th of April and we are sure, that the shutdown will be longer than the 19th April. The current dramatic and worldwide situation leads us to the point, where we don’t think to continue with the event in any capacity.

We are in contact with all bands to save the LINE UP for the next year – we are just waiting for one last band to give you more information about the Festival!

We have been working with all our powers on a possible postponement of this edition but it seems like there’s no other way, so we will come back in 2021 of Punk & Disorderly Festival Berlin! We hope this gives you as much hope about the future as it does to us! We will inform you about the exact dates for our 2021 edition as soon as possible!

Ticket holders can keep their tickets. They will remain VALID for the next Punk & Disorderly 2021!

Of course you can also return them and get your money back if you can’t make it to the 2021 edition but now, more than ever, we would need your solidarity and would be thankful for your support by keeping your tickets.

Stay safe and healthy, better times will come and we will all rock again.

Punk & Disorderly Team


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