Rude Pride (Photo by Michelle Olaya)

Rude Pride haben nach nur sieben Jahren Bandexistenz ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. Die spanische Streetpunk-Band veröffentlichte in dieser Zeit zwei Studioalben und einige EPs.

Es werden vor allem persönliche Gründe für die Auflösung genannt. Die Entscheidung wurde im Anschluss an den Ausstieg des Sängers Miguel beschlossen. Letztendlich war dies der Auslöser für die Auflösung. Hier dazu das ausführliche Statement von Rude Pride:

Everything has a beginning and an end.
After 7 intense and brutal years, Rude Pride is hanging up the gloves. We know how soon and sudden our end has come and It has been hard for us to acknowledge that we have reached this point, but sometimes things finish when you least expect them. Right now there is no other option than to accept that a chapter of our lives is closing knowing that Rude Pride has left a mark on us that is unforgettable and will always be with us.

When the band was created we were very excited and looking forward to start something new. Even though we worked hard from the beginning and took the project seriously our expectations were never more than to make the music we liked, we had fun with and to play as much as we could. What we achieved and where we are now, widely exceeds anything we could have imagined. For us, Rude Pride has been a dream come true.
Having a band means many hours rehearsing, recording, travelling and looking for new gigs. To achieve all of these tasks it is necessary to invest a huge amount time and effort from our personal lives alongside balancing it with work and relationships. Sometimes living with each other even more than with our own families.

It is often difficult that all of us are at the same stage of energy and motivation and lately this was something that we could feel. Even though the work to be done was getting bigger, we did everything we could to keep going forward, including having cover players or changing the original formation.

Not long ago Miguel decided to leave the band. After accepting the news and talking for a long time, we agreed that the best thing to do would be to close this stage of our lives. We heavily discussed continuing with the group but came to the conclusion that it would be better to leave it as it is and to remember it forever as it was… one of the best time of our lives.

Words can not describe what we have experienced in the last 7 years. We have had the opportunity to travel more than we could ever imagine. More than 15 countries, 2 continents, hundreds of gigs including the ones still left to come this year. There are lots of anecdotes and stories to always be remembered. Above all we have been very lucky to get to know the different scenes, the people, the places and the bands of every city we’ve played. We’ve made lots of friends around the world that will always remain friends. We have created a family that will not die, even if Rude Pride is finishing. We have laughed until we couldn’t any more. We have learnt. We have enjoyed. We have been overwhelmed, sometimes we got angry at each other and we have had, and overcome many problems. But without the down times the good moments wouldn’t have made sense.

It could take us hours to thank everyone, so we’ll try to make it as short and sweet as possible.
THANK YOU of course, first of all to Aron and Alberto, The first guitarists, that were, are and always will be part of our family. They started the journey with us.
To the first person that took a chance on us and invited us to go up on stage as Rude Pride for the first time, our friend Adolfo from Mad Madrid.
To: Bandworm Records for editing our work, to Sabandijas for helping so much at the beginning, to our German family Michi and Ronny from Contra Records, to Frank Pellegrino Videomaker , Javi Puerto and Burning and Shooting Productions for their great videos and all the people who colaborate in them, to our partners and friends that share the way with us, to every promoter that took us to their towns and got their local scenes to know us, to all the bands that have shared the stage with us – lots of you are now big friends – to Pablo from Accidente ( Musigrama’s sound technician, the studio where we recorded all of our music) and Raul from Ultima Esperanza for playing the guitar with us in several gigs, to Panda for supporting and helping us grow and especially to Iker Baxerri for making Euskal Herria our second home. And of course thanks to all the people that came to our gigs, without you nothing could have ever happened. THANK YOU.
Finishing is very difficult for us, so we would like to dedicate this last year to our last gigs before saying goodbye for good.
We will organise farewell gigs in some cities that have left a mark on us. It is going to be very hard to close this chapter but we promise that it will be a big departure.
We also want you to know that even if Rude Pride has come to an end, some of us still have energy for more, so you will have news very soon.
Thank you so much to all the people that have been part of this project. 2020 is the year we say goodbye and we hope to see you all in the last days. Oi!

Rude Pride gründeten sich 2013 in Madrid und entwickelten sich bis heute zu einer der einflussreichsten Punk-Bands Spaniens. Die Band war auch mehrfach bei uns in Deutschland live unterwegs und erspielte sich bei uns so eine treue Fan-Base.


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- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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