Trade Wind (Pressebild, 2021)
Trade Wind (Pressebild, 2021)

Trade Wind, das Nebenprojekt von Stick To Your Guns-Sänger Jesse Barnett, hat für den 21. Mai 2021 ihr drittes Studioalbum mit dem Titel The Day We Got What We Deserved angekündigt. Der Nachfolger des 2019 erschienen Certain Freedoms wird über Other People Records, dem neuen Label der Post-Hardcore-Band, veröffentlicht.

Mit Die! Die! Die! präsentieren uns Trade Wind mit Ankündigung des neuen Albums eine erste Hörprobe im Form eines Musikvideos, das ihr hier ansehen könnt.


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Jesse zur neuen Single, bei der es etwas ruhiger zugeht:

“To put simply, Die! Die! Die! is about the choices being faced by every person who’s living through this current hellscape that we call ‘civilized society,’. With the video we wanted to try and visualize how the capitalist system can’t be stopped without people coming together. Are we brave enough to stop this system and its programming? And are we creative, thoughtful, and loving enough to put something more productive in its place? Not productive in terms of output but productive in terms of making something that better suits and serves the people and the planet. I’m a sucker for a love story as well as an underdog story so I believe it’s possible. I have to.”

Trade Wind – The Day We Got What We Deserved (2021)

Trade Wind - The Day We Got What We Deserved (2021)
Trade Wind – The Day We Got What We Deserved (2021)
  1. Burning The Iron Age
  2. DIE! DIE! DIE!
  3. Nine Trails
  4. Bishop
  5. Blue Notes
  6. Fade On You
  7. Don’t Rush
  8. Untitled III
  9. Weather Eyes
  10. Walk Me In // Plant Me In Your Garden
- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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