10 Records Woth To Die For: #35 mit Chuck Ransom (Chuck Norris Experiment)


Chuck Norris Experiment aus Schweden spielen einen sehr soliden Mix aus Punk und Hardrock, der mich persönlich an Gluecifer erinnert. Ich durfte die großartige Liveband vor allem auf Turbojugend Events live erleben! Im Mai werde ich die Band beispielsweise wieder in Kassel sehen. Sänger Chuck Ransom hat uns seine Lieblingsplatten vorgestellt.

1KISS “Love Gun”

I think the song “Love Gun” is the best song ever. Period.

2OFF! ”Wasted Years”

OFF! Holy fuck, I just love this band! Put on any song, from any of their three albums and I will shake my ass like Lindsey Lohan shakes it for a bag of popcorn! Fantastic, funny, angry and very intelligent stuff. And the guitar playing is amazing! Can’t wait for album number four!

3TOM PETTY “Wildflowers”

We have been talking about doing a cover version of “Honey Bee” for 10 years, for some reason we never got to do it, but I promise we will soon. This is one of those guitar riffs that I walk around humming at least once a day. The song is taken from Tom Petty’s second solo album, which was produced by Rick Rubin. A great album, I think it is the best he ever done.

4ENTOMBED “Morning Star”

Entombed! I got all albums, all singles and I have seen them live about a million times. This is when I think they peaked, they never were better, and they never topped this. I know that everyone else will disagree with me here. But I am right. This is pure evil packed into 12 inches of vinyl.


I know, it is not rock’n’roll! But there are few people on this planet that are more rock’n’roll than Kris Kristofferson, and there are even less people that can write songs like him. This is my favorite album from the second man in black, turn it up and listen to those lyrics, goddamn that’s fine stuff. Johnny Cash did a cover of “Casey’s Last Ride”, also good, but not quite as good.


“Time Is Now” is one of the coolest rock’n’roll albums ever made! I have played my vinyl copy so many times it starts so sound weird. So, if anyone got a fresh copy to sell, give me a shout! This album says ATTACK, ATTACK and ATTACK!! It sounds like everyone in the band is on their toes, playing like their pants were on fire! Steve Miller is one of my favorite singers and he is totally insane on this album. If I could sing like that, I would do nothing else!!

7ACCEPT „Breaker“

The song “Burning” was my first encounter with German heavy metal! Back in the early 1980’s Swedish national radio gave the rock starved children of Scandinavia one hour of hard rock a week. The show was called Hårdrock, and it was totally awesome.
I was sitting in my boy room with my Ghetto Blaster ready to record every song they played, if I liked it, it stayed on tape, otherwise it was gone before the song was finished on radio.
From this week „Burning“ with Accept was the only song that stayed on my cassette, and I played it about 500 times until the next week’s show and it turned me into a lifelong fan of Udo, Wolf and the rest of the band.

8TURBONEGRO “Sexual Harassment”

I have been listening to Turbonegro constantly since I heard “Apocalypse Dudes” for the first time about 100 years ago, and I thought that they never could top that one, I thought it was impossible for anyone to make a better album than that. But… I stand corrected, and I know that I will get some shit from writing this, but “Sexual Harassment” is the best Turbonegro album this far! And I am sure that the next one will be even better if they drop that disco think they play with now! Tony Sylvester, what a singer!


I must admit I was kind of a slow starter when it came to The Bronx. Well, not really, I got their “Bats!” debut E.P when it was released, and then I got the debut album, but I kind of lost them after that. Until the 2013 album came out! And what an album it is! Not a single bad or boring song, and the riffing, the beat, the power is so awesome it is almost scary! I was lucky enough to catch them live two times in the last years. A live show with the Bronx is like getting your ass kicked really, really bad, but in a good way.

10NICK CAVE “Push the Sky Away”

This is the album I have listened most to in the last years. Totally amazing. Do it.


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