Ash Return (Pic by Sonja Leonhard)
Ash Return (Pic by Sonja Leonhard)

Ash Return präsentieren uns ein neues Musikvideo zu Onwards. Der Song stammt von ihrem Debütalbum The Sharp Blade Of Integrity, das im Frühling über Swell Creek Records erschienen ist. Bei dem Bildmaterial vom Video handelt es sich um eine Show, die im Januar 2020 stattfand.

Hier findet ihr unser Video-Interview, das wir mit Ash Return führen konnten. Die Band selbst

ONWARDS TO 2021! We – and we guess everybody – will try to forget about 2020, as soon as possible. What we will not forget is, how we miss playing shows, going to shows and see other bands play and spill their energy on stage. Yep, those are good memories! Anyway! We thought it might be cool to recapture these memories in a little Live-Videoclip. The footage of „Onwards“ is taken from our last real show in bremen in january 2020 (Thanx to the mighty Rumble Militia for letting us play). Besides that, the lyrics should give you a little PMA-Boost to head on, to a better 2021! Thanx a lot for your support & all the best for 2021!


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- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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