Die erste Show, die erste Platte und seine größten Einflüsse! Wir sprachen mit The Bennies Gitarrist Jules über seine Hardcore-Punk Roots und wie er zur Musik und Szene gekommen ist.
1How did you get in touch with hardcore (music)?
Hardcore music was introduced into my life through punk rock. Bands like the Hard Ons, Bad Brains, Black Flag, Descendents, Husker Du were all bands that I enjoyed growing up and to this day are my favourites. A lot of the SST and Dischord records, along with stuff released on the Better Youth label, were the records that I connected with.
2Who influenced/inspired you most?
I am a fan of Ian MacKaye, label owner, musician. His progression as an artist over the years in a variety of different acts, Teen Idles, Minor Threat, Embrace, Fugazi, is inspiring. I like to see growth in an artist, it’s a positive influence. Dischord records pretty much influenced a million other independent record labels, I’m very thankful for that.
3Tell us about your first/best show you’ve ever played!
That’s a tough one. My first show definitely wasn’t my best show. on of my personal favourite shows we’ve played as with seminal Australian band, the Hard Ons. Peter Black the Hard Ons guitarist is one of my immortal heros, over 30 years he’s been crushing guitar. It was one of those gigs that I couldn’t believe we were playing with a band that I grew up listening to.
4Tell us about your first/favorite hardcore record!
My favorite hardcore album is by an Australian band called Mid Youth Crisis the record is ‚Happiness and Authority‘. This band rules one of my favourites, a great mixture of passion, guitars, urgency and melody. Every now and again you can see this band play in Melbourne (my home town) and they fuckin rule.
5Which bands and songs cannot be missed in your personal hardcore playlist?
Black Flag/My War, MDC/I Remember, Gorilla Biscuits/Start Today, MId Youth Crisis/After You My Friend, Mindsnare/Bulldozed.
The Bennies veröffentlicht am Freitag, den 02. Februar 2018, ihr neues Album Natural Born Chillers über Uncle M Music. Pünktlich zum Release ist die Band dann auch hier bei uns auf Tour anzutreffen. Die Dates findet ihr am Ende des Beitrags.
The Bennies Europa-Tour 2018
26.04.2018 BE / Antwerp / Antwerp Music City
27.04.2018 DE / Münster / Uncle M Fest
28.04.2018 DE / Neunkirchen / Ant Attack Festival
30.04.2018 DE / Husum / Speicher
01.05.2018 DE / Lübeck / Mai Fest
02.05.2018 DE / Berlin / Cassiopeia
03.05.2018 DE / Chemnitz / Subway To Peter
04.05.2018 DE / Nürnberg / Z-Bau
05.05.2018 AT / Wels / Sbäm Fest #2 – 1st Show
05.05.2018 DE / München / Backstage – 2nd Show
06.05.2018 DE / Koblenz / Circus Maximus
08.05.2018 DE / Köln / Sonic Ballroom
09.05.2018 DE / Steinhagen / Kiefernklause
10.05.2018 BE / Namur / The Temple
11.05.2018 FR / Paris / La Mecanique Ondulatoire
12.05.2018 NL / Amsterdam / Sugar Factory
14.05.2018 DE / Kassel / K19
15.05.2018 FR / Selestat / Le Tigre
16.05.2018 CH / Zürich / Hafenkneipe
17.05.2018 CH / Rohrschach / Treppenhause
19.05.2018 DE / Schweinfurt / Stadtbahnhof
[…] hatten The Bennies außerdem in unserer HC-History, die ihr hier […]