The Rumjacks teilten heute über ihre sozialen Kanäle mit, dass die Band und Gründungsmitglied Frankie Mclaughlin zukünftig getrennte Wege gehen werden.
Die Folk-Punk-Combo wollte zur Trennung keine weiteren Details nennen, jedoch auch keine musikalische Differenzen vorschieben. Zwischen den Zeilen ist herauszulesen, dass wohl das Verhalten von Frankie gegenüber anderen Bandmitgliedern, Crew und Fans der Grund für die Trennung ist. Das Statement der Band könnt ihr am Ende des Beitrags lesen.
The Rumjacks haben sich 2008 in Sydney gegründet und hatten 2010 mit Gangs Of New Holland ihren großen Durchbruch. Auf dem Album ist auch ihr wohl bekanntester Song An Irish Pub Song enthalten. Das bisher letzte Album der Australier, Saints Preserve Us!, erschien im Jahr 2018.
2010 wurde Sänger Frankie, den wir 2018 bei uns im Interview hatten, zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von 16 Monaten wegen mehrfacher Körperverletzung unter Alkoholeinfluss verurteilt. The Rumjacks kündigten an, weiter unten ihrem Bandnamen Shows zu spielen und neue Musik zu veröffentlichen. Ein Ersatz für Frankie steht jedoch bislang noch nicht fest. Hier das Statement der Band:
Statement von The Rumjacks zur Trennung
We wish to advise that The Rumjacks will be parting ways with foundation member Frankie.
To prevent potential legal ramifications we will not go into details, but neither will we use “musical differences” as a justification of our decision, you all deserve better than that. The decision itself has been carefully considered by all members and management of the band, and is a reflection of our desire to continue writing and performing together as The Rumjacks.
Since 2013 we have conditionally supported Frank giving him a second chance and opportunity to improve himself, and to prove that he is more than the sum of his past mistakes. We still stand by that decision and past statements; we do not, and never have condoned acts of violence; but, we also believe as stated above in giving second chances. Unfortunately, the good faith and respect granted to Frank has not been returned, and it has become increasingly obvious that professional help has not been sought. Regrettably, we’ve witnessed Frank’s behaviour and attitude slowly deteriorating and the impact this has had, in relation to Frank’s health and personal relationship to the band. Increasingly as a group we’ve had to contend with the progressive growth in contempt, disdain, threats of and acts of violence from Frank towards; fellow band members, our support crew and even towards the audience. This can not and will not be tolerated. It is because of these concerns and the physical wellbeing of the band, crew and audience that we can no longer continue working with Frank.
We appreciate there will be plenty of mixed emotions concerning our decision, however, The Rumjacks will continue writing and fulfil all up coming dates (Corona willing), and as always we appreciate your continued support. We’ll have another announcement to share with you all in the very near future.
Until then,
We’ll see you at the bar.
The Rumjacks.