Ramallah mussten gerade die letzten Termine ihrer laufenden US-Tour mit Cruel Hand absagen. Grund hierfür ist ein ernsthaftes gesundheitliches Problem von Gitarrist Jason Eick. Dieser musste sich kurzfristig einer Operation unterziehen, da lebensbedrohlichen Komplikationen mit einer älteren Krankheit aufgetreten sind. Über sein aktuellen Zustand sind derzeit keine weiteren Angaben bekannt.

Die Hardcore-Punk-Band ist im August seit langer Zeit wieder für eine Europa-Tournee bestätigt worden, die mit der Operation von Jason gefährdet ist. Ramallah Frontmann und ehemaliger Blood For Blood Gitarrist und Sänger Rob „White Trash“ Lind machte in seinem Statement zum „Vorfall“ jedoch keine Angaben zu einer möglichen Europa-Tourabsage. Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden. Sein Statement findet ihr am Ende des Beitrags.

Ramallah gründete sich 2003 als Nebenprojekt von Blood For Blood. 2007 löste sich die Band auf, bevor sie seit 2013 wieder vereinzelt Shows spielt. Mit Kill a Celebrity veröffentlicht Ramallah im Jahr 2005 ihr bisher letztes Studioalbum.


Hier die bisher bestätigten Termine der Tour.

Ramallah – Europa-Tour 2018

11.08 – Ieper Fest, Ieper
14.08. – Monkeys Music Club, Hamburg
15.08. – Don’t Panic, Essen
25.08. – New Cross Inn, London
26.08. – Blue Collar Theater, Eindhoven


Rob Lind zum Tour-Abbruch in den USA


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„I am gutted to tell you all that Ramallah was forced to cancel the remaining few dates of our tour with Cruel Hand. The shows were going great, Cruel Hand are the kind of cats we love to tour with (great fucking guys and they killed it every night). We were all having a blast.

„Since I returned to music a few years ago with Ramallah, I loathe cancelling shows for any reason (in fact since Ramallah’s return we haven’t cancelled anything except for a week long European run and that was due to last-minute loss of a guitar and bass player from the line up). Back in the day I and Blood For Blood had a rep for being a bit… erratic (that’s a nice way to put it HA). Since then I’ve attempted to repair and redeem that impression.

„Regardless, in all my years doing music I’ve never encountered a more justified reason for cancelling some dates. I will leave it to him to disclose the details if he chooses to, but our guitar player Jason will likely be in surgery by this time tomorrow dealing with a potentially life threatening complication to an older injury.

„We wanted to bring him to a hospital on the spot but he wanted to deal with it in Boston so we had to rush him back today (we made the trip in under 10 hours). But it was a near thing and touch and go for the whole trip.

„On behalf of the band and myself I apologize to everyone involved with the shows and everyone who was coming out to support the bands. I promise you: we will make this up to you all.

„If the situation was any less dire we would have attempted to continue with the dates. Sadly that was simply not an option. Jason is my brother and his health and well-being trump any other considerations.

„Thank you all for your patience and support in this matter. In the meantime all of our thoughts and prayers are with Jason.“

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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