Die US-Hardcore-Schwergewicht Death Before Dishonor veröffentlichte mit Unfinished Business erst vor wenigen Wochen ihr erstes Album seit fast einem Jahrzehnt. Anlass genug Schlagzeuger Ben Hilton nach seinem 10 Records Worth To Die For zu fragen – und ab dafür!

Death Before Dishonor (2019, Photo by Todd Pollock)
Death Before Dishonor (2019, Photo by Todd Pollock)

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My name is Ben Hilton and I play drums for Death Before Dishonor. My record / cd collection isn’t huge and these picks aren’t necessarily my all time favorite records, but are definitely some of my favorites in my collection.

1The Unseen – Lower Class Crucifixion

Boston punks playing their version of the English oi-style punk of the 80’s. I couldn’t get enough. Finding out that bands were playing the music I liked only an hour from me is what got my older brother and I looking for shows in our area.

2Suicidal Tendencies – Self Titled

A hardcore band that has skateboarding in their videos and has irreverent/ violent lyrics? Sold. Their first full length record and they already established their own sound, going from thrashy blast beats to guitar solos comparable to any hair band selling out arena shows.

3Death Threat – Peace & Security

It’s almost hard to listen to the first track Dead at Birth without hearing a crowd of people singing every lyric, which is what happens every time I see Death Threat. Disgrace is one of the best tracks I know about being territorial over not only the scene you love, but any aspect of life you feel is being abused.

4Blood For Blood – Spit My Last Breath

As bitter and hateful as hardcore comes. I love all different types of hardcore but I’ve never heard the hopeless and frustrated side of the genre captured as perfectly as it is on this record.

5Dead Kennedys – Give me Convenience or Give Me Death

Just a great collection of some of my favorite songs from the first socially aware punk bands I had heard. I can’t count how much time I spent as a kid looking at the album art and the 20 page insert.

6Madball – Ball of Destruction

Madball was one of the first active modern hardcore bands I had heard, and it’s hard for me to pinpoint just one release to talk about. I just like hearing a 10 year old Freddy tackle Agnostic Front songs along with songs that they still play live to this day.

7Toxic Narcotic – 89-99

My older brother came home with this on CD when I was about 13 and I couldn’t believe bands actually played this fast or sounded this angry. The guitar tone is instantly recognizable. The vocals never tire and I’ve still never seen or heard a drummer combine speed, groove and accents the way TN’s drummer does.

8Minor Threat – Out of Step

When I hear these songs I think about where I was when I first heard them: Young, pissed, and out of step. Straight edge or not, I think most people can relate to those three words and the iconic black sheep cover art.

9Terror – One With the Underdogs

The record that showed me how I wanted to play drums. The marathon blast beats, quick stops into punishing breakdowns. The whole thing felt like a crash course in how to play modern hardcore when I was just starting to play live regularly.

10Strife – One Truth

This might be the record and band that most everyone in the spectrum of hardcore can agree on being essential. Urgent speed, rhythmic breakdowns, and earnest vocals. It’s got the whole package. If this record doesn’t do it, seeing them live will make anyone a believer.

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Death Before Dishonors Unfinished Business ist am 26. Juli 2019 über Bridge Nine Records erschienen.


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