
Lionheart werden am 22. Januar ihr neues Album Love Don’t Live Here auf Beatdown Hardwear veröffentlichen. Die Songs können nun in einen Vorab-Stream angehört werden.

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Northern California hardcore band Lionheart will be releasing their new album Love Don’t Live Here this Friday, but you can hear it early via Metal Hammer. The band also released a track-by-track explanantion behind each song that you check out here!
Love Don’t Live Here will be released via LHHC Records (a label formed by the band members themselves) on January 22nd. Lionheart has also signed with BDHW Records for the album’s release in Europe and Asia. It was engineered by Cody Fuentes at Rapture Recording Studios in Hayward, CA and is available for pre-order at All in Merch.
Pre-orders via iTunes will include an instant download of „Keep Talkin“ and the record’s first single „Pain“. The band will be touring Europe in February with Desolated, Kublai Khan and Fallbrawl.

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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