Die Hardcore Band Foundation aus Atlanta (USA) streamen ihre neue EP Turncoat auf ihre Bandcamp-Seite.
Da die Vinyl-Produktion der EP noch ein wenig dauert entschied sich Foundation Turncoat bereits vorab zu streamen. Die EP kann dort für 6 Dollar gedownloaded werden. Davon gehen 20% an Cathie Donaghy zur Bekämpfung seiner Krebserkrankung. Die Vinyl-Version wird auf Jawk Records erscheinen.
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Hier das komplette Statement der Band:
Just let everyone know the „Turncoat“ e.p. is officially available* for digital download at https://foundationatl.bandcamp.com/album/turncoat
We decided over the weekend we wanted to get the music out as soon as possible, because the vinyl treatment is going to be a little while longer. So please swing by the band camp page and check it out, because we also decided that 20% of all the digital download sales will be donated to Cathie Donaghy. If you’ve heard this name floating around it’s because she is the mother of the one and only #JonD creator of #WellFedNYC, co-founder of I Believe in Atlanta, supporter of the this band, and all around good friend/amazing human. Cathie is going through some heavy treatments for her aggressive cancer and wanted to be able to help. I don’t think anything would let us know how much this music means to you by purchasing a copy of it and putting that money towards an amazing person. If you would like to know more about Cathies fight and updates please visit the GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/yk3tuk56
You can still purchase a vinyl copy as well through at jawkrecords.bigcartel.com Hardcore: Live it or leave it!*Unfortunately if you pre-ordered the vinyl record already you will have to wait for your physical copy to get your download code. We’re sort about that, but neither us or Jawk Records have the means of getting those to you until the plant is done pressing the record and generating the codes. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. x x x