Good Riddance (Photo by Alan Snodgrass, 2019)
Good Riddance (Photo by Alan Snodgrass, 2019)

Am vergangenen Freitag wurde Chuck Platt, bekannt als Bassist von Good Riddance, von einem Auto angefahren als er nach einem Restaurantbesuch in seiner Heimat Santa Cruz, Kalifornien die Straße überqueren wollte.

Auch wenn Chuck ein Glück keine lebensbedrohlichen Verletzung von dem Unfall davon trug, musste sich der Bassist mehren umfangreichen Operationen unterziehen. Um die Rechnungen zu begleichen, wurde eine GoFunMe-Kampagne gestartet, die ihr hier findet.

Hier weitere Infos zum Unfall und Chucks Zustand:


„On Friday, January 14, husband, father, bandmate and friend to many, Chuck Platt, was hit by a car while crossing the street outside of his restaurant, The Crepe Place.

While Chuck gratefully does not have any life-threatening injuries, he has sustained life-altering injuries that will have a major impact to him physically and financially. Chuck was airlifted to a Bay Area Hospital where he is currently being treated. Chuck sustained the following injuries: right ankle break, left knee injury, broken collar bone, and lacerations to his face and hands. His right ankle and knee injuries were extensive and will require surgery(s) and rehabilitation.

He is in good spirits and is expected to recover but in the meantime, we are asking for contributions to help with the medical bills and rehabilitation time. Hoping you are able to help support Chuck and his family so he can focus on his recovery. We all want to see Chuck’s smiling face back at his restaurant, onstage and around our community. Thank you!“

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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