No Fun At All (Promo-Bild, 2019)
No Fun At All (Promo-Bild, 2019)

It’s Not A Problem heißt die erste Single aus dem kommenden Album der schwedischen Skatepunk-Heroen No Fun At All. Das Album soll dann noch dieses Jahr via SBÄM Records erscheinen und hat den Titel Seventh Wave.

Frontmann Ingmar zum neuen Song:

„I live on an old farm that’s been owned by my family since the 1850s. 20 years ago when my father died I decided to move in and to be the one responsible for keeping all the houses and buildings in good shape. To be honest most of the time I love it, but sometimes there is that ”The Shining” feeling, am I going crazy?! Also the contrast between spending time in the rural idyllic Swedish countryside and touring the world, being a cosmopolitan. The lyrics for this one just came to me on a really cold and snowy day last winter, hence ”wrong season.”

Die letzte Scheibe veröffentlichten No Fun At All 2018 (Grit), zu welcher wir die Band auch im Interview hatten. Davor war ja gut 10 Jahre Sendepause.


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